Photo ID Required To Pick Up Groceries Ordered Online – Will the Left Cry Racism?? – IOTW Report

Photo ID Required To Pick Up Groceries Ordered Online – Will the Left Cry Racism??


The list of things you need photo identification for in America continues to grow, while Democrats keep throwing around the big “D” word when it comes to voting – disenfranchisement.

On Wednesday Sept. 7 that list will include picking up an online grocery order at Walmart.

Note in the email message from the company, the requirement was established in order to make your pickup “as secure and accurate as possible.”

That sounds reasonable.

Wait, where’s the outrage from the liberals?

Other things that require a photo ID:  applying for social security, driving a car, buying or renting a home or apartment, getting married, getting on an airplane, purchasing a video game rated M, seeing a movie rated NC-17, filing for welfare or getting food stamps and even marching with the NAACP.

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6 Comments on Photo ID Required To Pick Up Groceries Ordered Online – Will the Left Cry Racism??

  1. Democrats have made a political career out of Vote Fraud.
    Election judges, poll watchers and voter ID are important to maintain voter integrity and an essential element of a free and fair election.
    The largest area for abuse are the electronic voting machines and how they are programed to tally the vote. Undetected Hidden code has the ability to skew/swing the election away from the voters desire.
    Democrats have made a political career out of Vote Fraud not having voter ID plays right into their agenda to have the indigent and mentally ill vote absentee, non-existent voters, dead, illegal, felons and voters who pull ballots multiple times to vote Democrat.

  2. My #1 concern for this election is voter fraud.

    I lived through the Al Franken stolen election – a trunk full of ballots created that abomination. Minnesota DID NOT ELECT him. And that was only one of many cases of tampering with votes.

    Pray hard, patriots. Pray that God exposes the fraud in time for it to make a difference.

  3. Demoncratz have been stuffing the ballot boxes since the days of FDR. It is their stock-in-trade. They would be marginalized and then gone if they didn’t do this illegally. The Law means nothing to the jackass party. It is merely an obstacle to be skirted around, to be bashed, to be destroyed in their quests for absolute totalitarian regimes. Barky the Bitch is the primo example.

  4. Where I live, you have to show your I.D. to buy alcohol. This is the demoncrap world of legislated morality. They don’t want you to be able to buy alcohol without an ID, but voting – sure.

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