Photo of One World Trade days before 9/11 – IOTW Report

Photo of One World Trade days before 9/11


read about it HERE

ht/ fdr in hell

16 Comments on Photo of One World Trade days before 9/11

  1. Brad, he means the new World Trade building, the one they put up after the destruction of the Twin Towers. Its windows are made of a type of glass that is superreflective.

  2. Sleepy, Brad? Need another cup of coffee?

    …days before the 15th anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

    Which makes the photo taken very recently. Not before 2007.

  3. The rainbow shot of his is not anything magically special.

    Every rainbow is a personal one and the center would be the shadow of your head – specifically your eyes.

    So all you have to do is position yourself so the building is at one end of it.

    To put forth it is something meaningful is either dishonest or he’s really dumb about the physics involved.

    Dishonest contrivance, at best, but maybe he really is a moron.

  4. @Dad – remember, the rainbow is from Genesis 9:13-15 and is a promise given after the Flood:
    “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

    So mebbe the ragheads won’t blow up the Trade Center again?

  5. sig94, The rainbow itself is not what my comment is about.

    Only commenting on how it was presented, not on the rainbow’s place in history. It is the idea that it is landing on the towers – OH LOOK! HOW SPECIAL IT IS ON THE TOWER! – that is false and not magical. Contrivance or ignorance that where he stood made it that way.

    It did not land on the tower for everyone – just people seeing it from that viewpoint and distance.

    So the bible lesson is off target here.

    Don’t get me wrong – I’m a believer and have turned my life over to Him. Just not the subject.

  6. Last 9/11 my twin brother saw his life spiraling down due to a lifetime of poor choices culminating all at once. And I want to note we used to be really close until the last few years he started mocking my unemployment woes. He ain’t happy so he projected his misery on me. I never took it. This time though, he chose to take it all out on our parents and when I confronted him that night of 9/11 to stop him from burning down the whole barn, he threatened me with physical violence. You should have seen me protect myself. All it took was getting in his face with an index finger and growing, “DON’T YOU TOUCH ME…” He backed off and I turned the other cheek and walked away. He said, “Walk away you little pussy!” You guys would have been shocked at the manic beast that was unearthed inside me. My wife says I scared him off. Anyway, my friend pointed out how the “Twin Towers” came down, a metaphor that was most appropriate. He tried to Cain my ass and crossed a line he should have never done. I forgave him because I had to get rid of all that hate and anger and the betrayal I was wrestling with for my own mental health sake. That’s what true forgiveness is, it’s releasing it onto the one who offended you. This is your cross to bare, not mine anymore. My spiritual mentor taught me that. He hasn’t lifted a rogue pube since to try and salvage what he destroyed. So 9/11 means more to me now. On not only a national level but a personal one as well. Not sure why God allowed that to happen but one thing I learned…who knew I was such a bad ass? I even carried a knife to protect myself. I asked God for protection before our meeting because I didn’t think it’d end well. Twin instinct you know. Oh. And he voted for Obama. And he’s with her.

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