Photo Retouching For Fun And Profit – IOTW Report

Photo Retouching For Fun And Profit

Earl of Taint: While we work here at WTTRG/EOT just for the bloody good fun of it, our highly skilled and professionally accredited Image Manipulators (“Imanips”) also accept lucrative (mid 2 figures, typically) commercial assignments. We thought we’d share a recent project (all client references removed) where we were asked to enhance an original photo, in order to sell more boots. Go see

21 Comments on Photo Retouching For Fun And Profit

  1. I just calculated the PSI of a 3/8 diameter stiletto heel with a 365 pound line backer wearing them. It calculates to exactly much more than that wooden floor would support.

  2. Screw the boots. I want to see how they managed to get that gelatinous tub of guts into that outfit. Slathering that sow in Crisco and muscling away with pry bars had to be a sight to see.

  3. Oh man! It always scares me to click an EOT site link. And yet I always do…and remain scared!

    Looks like Mooch and Barry are both in that suit. Or maybe Mooch and Prince Charles.

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