Photographer Saw Hillary Clinton Shaking Inside Van After Shooting Infamous 9/11 Video – IOTW Report

Photographer Saw Hillary Clinton Shaking Inside Van After Shooting Infamous 9/11 Video

Breitbart- The Philadelphia Inquirer interviews Zdenek Gazda, the photographer who recorded Hillary Clinton’s health episode outside this year’s 9/11 memorial in New York City. Apparently for the first time, he reveals what he saw after he stopped filming.


Gazda, who lives in Verona, said people have told him he “changed history” because after the video went viral, Clinton’s officials announced she was suffering from a bout of pneumonia that was diagnosed two days earlier.

Clinton’s campaign initially said Clinton left the 15th annual observance at Ground Zero because she felt “overheated.”

Gazda, who had made more than $100,000 for his famous 20-second clip, said after he turned off his video, said he saw Clinton shaking inside the van. MORE

13 Comments on Photographer Saw Hillary Clinton Shaking Inside Van After Shooting Infamous 9/11 Video

  1. Just stack one more Hillary dishonesty on the pile.
    What illness does she have?
    Why is she hiding it? Blind ambition to be the first female president. She knew we wouldn’t elect her if we knew her condition.
    She’ll be on a walker in a year. Or otherwise disabled. I don’t think she’s durable and healthy enough to serve the whole term.
    Good riddance.

  2. This was a special thing of beauty. Now, Hillary Clinton should be reminded that it is the coverup that causes the biggest number of indictments after a Special Prosecutor is appointed. Her short time on the Congressional Committee investigating Watergate evidently didn’t ram home that lesson. Congressman Trey Gowdy can ram that lesson home in the next session. That should provide us with some more scenes of Hillary being assisted into her car.

  3. I look forward to the day when all the truth is revealed and the bitch is put away for good. It’s not like we don’t have enough evidence already, we still have the corrupt “justice” system to deal with.
    Clinton For the Gallows 2016. Medical problems are no excuse. And if they claim she is mentally unfit to stand trial — jail every one of the corrupt bastards that placed her out front for a run for president.

  4. The stark reality of being outside with fresh air and real people shook her to her core. Don’t ever lie to our country about how four men died in front of their caskets and think ot’s okay.

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