Photographer Went Undercover With Looters Expecting To Find White Supremacists. Instead, He Found Anarchists – IOTW Report

Photographer Went Undercover With Looters Expecting To Find White Supremacists. Instead, He Found Anarchists

Daily Caller: A furloughed photographer who documented protests starting on May 31 expected to find white supremacists behind widespread looting but instead found anarchists, according to a New York Times opinion column.

Jeremy Lee Quinn started photographing a Black Lives Matter protest in Santa Monica, California, May 31 when someone notified him that people were looting a nearby shoe store, New York Times’ editorial board member Farah Stockman wrote in a Wednesday column. When Quinn arrived, he saw young people running out of the store carrying shoeboxes while a group of black-clad men wearing masks behaved like supervisors as the store was looted.

Quinn witnessed a black-clad white man break a store window with a crowbar the following day, though he didn’t take anything from the shop, Stockman wrote.

After reviewing videos of looting across the country, Quinn noticed similar groups of masked black-clad supervisors, so he dressed the same way and attended a protest, Stockman wrote. Quinn thought the supervisors would be tied to white supremacy groups, instead, he found a group of “insurrectionary anarchists.” more here

8 Comments on Photographer Went Undercover With Looters Expecting To Find White Supremacists. Instead, He Found Anarchists

  1. To paraphrase: “I have a problem with their criminal behavior because it might help Trump get re-elected.”

    So if their criminal behavior couldn’t help Trump get re-elected he would have no problem with it? What is it about Trump that makes someone’s only criticism of criminal behavior is that it might help Trump get re-elected?

  2. Strait out of Mao, Ho Chi Minh, or even Sun Tzu: Blend in, melt away. This is truly the cold communist revolution just now going hot. Occupy was the test to see how Democrats would respond. When they embraced the movement the Free Shit Army was born. BrObama unleashed that dog in Ferguson and has been at the helm ever since.

    Everyone overlooks that Soros, while being Jewish, was a Nazi. He’s still trying to win WW2, just on another front. He’s spent his entire carrier trying to, and often succeeding in damaging the countries that fought against the Axis, usually economically. Look at what he did with the Asian Contagion economic crisis of 1997. Almost every country affected had sided with the Allies in WW2. BLM/Antifa riots are Kristallnacht, re dux. Hitler emptied the prisons to make Germans beg for a police state. Soros’ DAs are doing the same thing now.

    We are at war. The enemy is within. While Everyone has been waiting for that signal moment when we are called to arms, that train left the station. Soon, good men may not be able to do the bad things needed to preserve liberty because the pot has been so slowly heated up that we never noticed the moment we started to be cooked. Their side has been doing bad things for months while we Keyboard Kowboys sit in our basements cleaning our guns and watching YouTube videos.

  3. VDH did a recent podcast in which he talks about how the middle-/upper-middle class white kids get their cards punched by “helping” in these crimes, but the majority of those caught on video actually looting are black. The white kids don’t want to jeopardize their future prospects by having an actual criminal record. No one is getting prosecuted for “peaceably protesting” but they are for arson and looting.


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