Heidi Czerwiec
Why? —–>
“I look up from my office computer to see two figures in camo with guns outside my window. My first thought is for my students’ and my safety: I grab my phone, crawl under my desk and call 911.”
Okay, that’s understandable and reasonable.
the dispatcher reports back that yes, in fact, I’ve probably just seen ROTC cadets, though they’re going to send an officer to check because no one has cleared it with them. They thank me for reporting it.
Okay, that’s understandable and reasonable.
A few minutes later, a university officer calls me back—not to reassure me, but to scold me for calling 911. He says ROTC has permission to do this exercise. When I tell him that this was news to 911 and that they encouraged me to call whenever I see a gun on campus, he seems surprised.
Okay, that’s understandable and reasonable.
He also tells me that ROTC will be doing these exercises for the next couple weeks.
So I reply that I guess I’ll be calling 911 for the next couple weeks—and I will. Every time.
It’s not my job to decide whether people carrying guns at school are an actual threat. It’s my job to teach and to get home to my family.
Okay phucknutz, you’ve just crossed over into, “you’re a friggin’ azzwipe land.”
It’s already highly inappropriate to conduct unnecessary military maneuvers in the middle of the quad. But with school shootings on the increase and tensions at UND running high, it’s especially irresponsible.
We’re already under financial and emotional attack. We don’t need to feel under physical attack, too.
And when the cops show up with their guns are you under emotional attack? I know you know they are supposed to be there, in their uniform, but you never know. Maybe you should call the police on the police, and so on and so on, because that’s the kind of dumb crunt you seem to be.
Bint privilege is bad.
That color picture is scarier, in its way, than the B&W one posted on ThisAintHell for the same story on the same Libtard bitch.
That’s the color yellow I need on my bathroom walls.
why hasn’t her savior 0bama paid for her nose job yet?
Let me guess, she’s a feminist too. Such beauty in mind and body.
The Rosa DeLauro hair cut and a nose that would give Jimmy Durante a run for his money were a dead giveaway.
Before I even read the post, I assumed she was from England.
Send the sniveling twat to live in her choice of Worker’s Paradise for a decade. She will live among armed thugs dressed in camo on every block
She has to sneak up on her phone before every call.
Will she crawl under her desk every time?
Why, the poor dear is so terrified her nose is melting!
There’s no accounting for stupid.
Once informed of the ROTC activities, if she continues to call 911 they should charge her with “fatuous nonsense” or with whatever they charge 911 abusers.
izlamo delenda est …
I’d hit that
With a shovel
I called 911 yesterday because I saw a gun.
I was walking past a gun range, but still.
Not really.
Is this the woman Bernie was talking about with the rape fantasies?
For some reason the education racket is a magnet for those who are unable to reason. If they were only paid minimum wage most would stay right where they are.
Fire, confine, and medicate.
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess there’s more cats in this woman’s household than men.
Shows what I know.
“I live and write in Grand Forks, North Dakota with my husband and son”
Which means someone is actually doing that.
With those buck teeth, she could eat an apple through a picket fence.
Some stories are better told without photos. . . just say’in.
So the UND employee benifits package aparently doesn’t include a dental plan?
You’d think she’d be more disturbed by a dental technician who cleans teeth.
“I live and write in Grand Forks, North Dakota with my husband and son”
Which means someone is actually doing that.
Well, at least once.
Oh, Lord, I have never laughed so hard at the comments here. Thanks for the belly laugh, posters!
I’ll bet money that Heidi is originally from Minnesota. Probably a gopher…fan.
It only takes three cats for you to be right.
I think you are right after all.
maybe her the hubby and kid should relocate to Poland…I hear they would love the weather there….and the Poles would NEVER detect a real live TROLL in their midst.
Her last name is pronounced as “JERK”
boy, I have never seen a worse Comb-Over…..
Obviously a case of embryologic developmental malformation – a penis in the middle of her face. I wonder where her brain wound up?
Is that the “Boy George” comb-over?
Looks familiar …
Maybe the “George McFly?”
aka, snaggletooth
She could cure that and another obvious problem by placing a burlap bag over her head and running a roll of duct tape around it.
She sounds like a great teacher from what I’m reading on Rate my professor.
really, she looks like a friggin chimney elf or even worse a Garden Gnome.
Even I, Riff Raff, looked better than her when I appeared in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
It’s Astounding!
nice tooth. guess which one i mean…
She can eat corn on the cob between venetian blinds.