Phyllis Schlafly on Rubio: He Betrayed Us – IOTW Report

Phyllis Schlafly on Rubio: He Betrayed Us

New Media Patriot Radio

Schlafly on RubioIn 2009, Marco Rubio was a plucky challenger for the open Senate seat in Florida, taking on incumbent Republican Gov. Charlie Crist. Though Rubio was trailing in the polls, one leading conservative activist thought he had real potential and vowed to help him.

“When Marco Rubio ran for the Senate in Florida, I think I was the first one to endorse him,” said Phyllis Schlafly. “I made a trip down to Florida in 2009 just for the purpose of helping him.”

But Schlafly, a legendary conservative activist, author and WND columnist, now says she is bitterly disappointed by Rubio’s record.

“Once he got elected, he betrayed us all,” she told WND. “He said he was against amnesty and against the establishment. And once he got in, right away, he became an agent of the establishment. And now, of course, he’s big for amnesty and letting all the illegal immigrants in. He betrayed us a number of times on that issue.”

Schlafly said she was startled at the magnitude of Rubio’s “betrayal” on amnesty.

“It was so public,” she said.

“He’s a lackey for the establishment now,” she said. “There’s no question they’re picking up as Plan B – or maybe Plan C in this election cycle, or whatever we’re on now – but he certainly is an establishment agent.”

Rubio has been moving up in the polls since his third-place finish in the Iowa caucuses. But Rubio’s record has drawn new attention since Sen. Rick Santorum, after dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing the Florida senator, found himself tongue tied when asked on MSNBC to name Rubio’s greatest accomplishment.

Rubio is best known for co-sponsoring the “Gang of 8” immigration amnesty bill, partnering with Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to allow a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and dramatically increase legal immigration. Rubio was also identified by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., as the person designated to “neutralize” and “proselytize” conservative opposition.

Schlafly urged conservatives not to underestimate the importance of the immigration issue.

“Immigration right now is the biggest issue. All you need to do is look at Europe, and you can see that,” she said. “But there are other issues like trade where Rubio has aligned with the establishment against the American worker.”

Finish the article here.

8 Comments on Phyllis Schlafly on Rubio: He Betrayed Us

  1. A lot of Rubio bashing on this site.
    I think in this age of Facebook and selfies, Rubio will end up the republican candidate.
    Trump will not get the nomination.

    Rubio v Hillary will separate the men from the boys.

    Those against Rubio might want to decide how they will refer to Bill Clinton between 2017-2014, as the husband of the president of the USA.
    First Lady Chaser?

  2. Rubio (the rube) betrayed what he said to get elected and what he told us were his principles.

    More politics over principle. Just another political liar.
    Not to be trusted.

    But, he fits in with mcconnel, mcCain, graham, harry reid, chuck schumer, dick durbin and a boat load of country club Rinos.

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