Physician-Owned Hospitals Create Jobs & Improve Local Communities – IOTW Report

Physician-Owned Hospitals Create Jobs & Improve Local Communities

DailyCaller: Yesterday marked the seventh anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act ban on physician-owned hospitals, and these facilities don’t have any interest in marking an eighth. As the CEO of Fresno Surgical Hospitals, a physician-owned hospital in Fresno, CA, I have seen just how damaging this ban has been. Congress must repeal this section of the ACA, and allow these high-quality, affordable hospitals to once again create jobs, increase competition, and improve overall patient care in their communities.

Patients throughout Fresno and the Central Valley know Fresno Surgical Hospital as a provider of excellent, affordable care in a personalized environment. What they likely do not know, is that Fresno Surgical Hospital – like all physician-owned hospitals throughout the United States – is prohibited from expanding or growing to provide such care to more patients due to an unjust and anti-competitive provision in the ACA. Despite the fact that our hospital employs 370 staff members and serves over 17,000 patients a year, we are banned from any further growth.

This provision – Section 6001 of the ACA – suppresses much-needed economic growth in areas like Fresno County, that are still feeling the effects of the Great Recession.

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8 Comments on Physician-Owned Hospitals Create Jobs & Improve Local Communities

  1. This is why Obama Care needs to be completely eliminated. The conservatives in congress are right. The current health bill is not free market based and will fail. Paul Ryan is not a conservative.

  2. Mark my words. If the GOP doesn’t get its head out of its a$$, the day will come when all health-care providers will be government employees. That includes doctors, nurses, dentists, eye doctors, chiropractors, pharmacists, acupuncturists, masseuses, etc. All health care will be provided “free,” with the compassion and efficiency of the VA, IRS, and DMV.

    Furthermore, it will be illegal to use your own money to buy health care, and illegal to provide any health care if you are not a government employee belonging to the correct union.

    On the other hand, all the drug runners will be underground pharmacists, and there will be plenty of underground medical care, especially in the Asian communities.

  3. A geeknerd: “On the other hand, all the drug runners will be underground pharmacists, and there will be plenty of underground medical care, especially in the Asian communities.”

    Already happening here in the Latino community. Privatized and underground “Urgent Care” facilities. Usually a nurse or two. Antibiotics, sutures for lacerations, and I’ve heard of reduction of simple fractures and casting of same.

    They keep a lower profile than the illegal drug dealers.

  4. Actually, Physician owned hospitals are ripe for abuse when the customer is not footing the bill, the customer doesn’t care and the incentive to steal is through the roof. That article is BS.

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