Pick Ax Boy, the effeminate moron, was personally congratulated by De Niro and Chelsea Handler – IOTW Report

Pick Ax Boy, the effeminate moron, was personally congratulated by De Niro and Chelsea Handler

This is wonderful. We have Hollywood celebrities applauding and encouraging useful idiots to commit felonies.

Can the atmosphere get any thicker? Why don’t they just come out and endorse someone assassinating the president?

19 Comments on Pick Ax Boy, the effeminate moron, was personally congratulated by De Niro and Chelsea Handler

  1. Liberals have sponsored anti conservative violence in America for DECADES!
    When I was an undergrad there was a thug who led a group of vicious, violent gangsters at Cal. It was 55 years ago -1963. the hoods name (past tense as he is dead) was Mario Savio and progressives all over America have spent millions of taxpayers $ to erect memorials honoring this vicious, violent gangster.

    That the MSM and progressives support violence against conservatives is not news! It is bad, but not new.

  2. Has this earned him an IOTW Hollywood star with a pickaxe? Or should the image for him be something more feminine, or since he’s a big crybaby maybe a giant tear?

  3. By the way, I hope there’s an IOTW Hollywood star for Robert Raging Bullsh*t Deniro. I scrolled through that very funny long post a few times yesterday and don’t remember seeing him on the list, unless I missed it. For an image maybe steam blowing out of both ears like a raging cartoon dharacter.

  4. His last remark, “I don’t feel resentful. I feel proud.” I think he means “remorseful.” Dumb ass. His girlfriend should could do better – but then I doubt she’s much of a brain trust herself.

  5. the pix axer was probably paid or was one of deniro’s butt boys

    hollyweird=sodom and gamorrah
    disney=sodom and gamorrah
    pedophiles and rapist

    been going on in that filthy state for decades
    making tons of money selling little kids
    also raping them on their movie sets

    sick sick sick
    don’t watch anymore
    disney is not allowed in my home anymore

    can’t watch a movie without thinking that the actors have either been raped as a child on the set or that they are raping kids on the set

    either way
    sick sick
    don’t want anything to do with hollyweird or disney

  6. Where the hell is the link??? All I could see below the headline is a bunch of &$@#%ing Pop-up ads for readhead actresses, how to beat casinos and other crap I am not interested in.

  7. Feel, feel, feel, that’s the biggest problem with liberals they act on their feelings because they believe their feelings are everything.

    I feel like half the time knocking the shit out of liberals, but I don’t act on those feelings because that will get me thrown in jail and they’re not worth it.

  8. What did that actually accomplish, besides him feeling all good about himself? I’ll tell you what each little act of insult and assault does for me: it strengthens my resolve to defeat these people. At the risk of sounding like a person on the left, they should be forced to live in a socialist country for a couple of years before they’re allowed to return to the US.


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