Picture a product called Fish Fingers – IOTW Report

Picture a product called Fish Fingers

When you hear Fish Fingers what do you think of?

I can guarantee you’re not thinking of this.


21 Comments on Picture a product called Fish Fingers

  1. Tried that once with a bass hanging from a string and my cousin standing back about 6 feet with his fist forward like he’s holding the line

    We giggled like the 14-year-olds we were.

    Unfortunately, we were just using an Instamatic and not an SLR. What looked lined up in the viewer was off by inches in the photograph leaving it very obvious what we were trying to do since the fist was several inches to one side of the line.

  2. That’s why I only go out with girls with small hands. Makes willie look bigger

    By the way anybody remember those,old postcards with fish strapped to cars and horses.
    Fishermans prayer. “Early to bed early to rise, fish like hell and make up lies,”

  3. @ Frank

    Sounds like Texas post cards from the 60s. Everything is bigger here!

    Usually showing an 8 ft tall rooster or a Jack Rabbit as big as a small deer.

    Which is a mind f**k when you are 8 years old, traveling at night on a West Texas black top and a small deer jumps across your hood that looks every bit like a huge Jack Rabbit jumping across your view only a matter of feet in front of you.

    As an 8 year old, I completely believed I saw a giant Jack Rabbit. That s**t was true!

    That was an exciting minute until my laughing Sis straightened me out.

  4. @Vietvet
    “@MJA, It might, but only if they’ll reach out that far”
    My apologies to MJA but a limiting factor is also if they also reach below your waist. [quickly ducking]

  5. Lol! We’ve been doing this for years, you always hold a fish at arms length for a picture.

    One of my buddies even gave me a Billy Bob Fishing Ruler a number of years ago. Every 1/2″ of the ruler is marked as an inch.

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