Picture It: September 2020, The First Presidential Debate Against Trump – IOTW Report

Picture It: September 2020, The First Presidential Debate Against Trump

Political Clown Parade:

Two days ago, the vaunted Quinnipiac University National Poll released its latest polling data.

Polling analyst Mary Snow noted, “In the blink of an eye, the post-debate surge for Sen. Kamala Harris fades and former Vice President Joseph Biden regains his footing among Democratic presidential contenders.  Electability remains his strongest pull.  Across the board, Biden remains by far the Democrat seen as having the best chance of defeating President Trump.”
Biden leads the pack with 34% of Democrats and independent voters who lean Democrat.  Warren is next with 15%, Harris at 12% and the guy who combs his hair with a balloon comes in at 11%.

Rounding out the Democrat field are Alfred E. Newman with 6%, Skateboard Jesus and Ying-Yang with 2% each.  Four other candidates have garnered 1% and the other 14 wannabes haven’t moved the needle. more

14 Comments on Picture It: September 2020, The First Presidential Debate Against Trump

  1. Joey Biden is an endless source of misinformation for the uninformed and those unwilling to become informed. He’s the perfect candidate for a political party in its death throes.

  2. HOW! DUMB! IS HE!?

    Joey is so dumb that when somebody showed him the graphic that BFH and MJA frequently use with Joey on the tricycle with the square wheel, he said, “Hey, that’s pretty dumb! With a square wheel, every time it goes around once you get four bumps. A triangular wheel would be better because then you’d get only three bumps for every turn!”

  3. If he thinks that the rope-a-dope strategy that he used on Paul Ryan will work against Trump (and he probably does). It will emphatically mark the end of the legend of Joe Biteme.

  4. Thanks MJA! For, unlike the MSM, updating on the only credible candidates, Alfred E. Newman with 6%, Skateboard Jesus and Ying-Yang with 2% each.


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