PSA: Storm Area 51 Graphic Simulation Ends Badly for ‘Naruto Runners’ – IOTW Report

PSA: Storm Area 51 Graphic Simulation Ends Badly for ‘Naruto Runners’

As a public service, Bill Whittle shows a graphic simulation of what might happen if conspiracy theorists who want to “see them aliens” actually storm Area 51 in September as scheduled. The U.S. military is not a force to be trifled with, and under several potential scenarios, it ends badly for the Naruto runners approaching the military base.

10 Comments on PSA: Storm Area 51 Graphic Simulation Ends Badly for ‘Naruto Runners’

  1. That is an unrealistic scenario. It would look like a garden variety β€œprotest” at the gates accompanied by a few idiots being arrested for crashing a gate or climbing a fence. One or more vehicles might be overturned or burned. Trump will be accused of police brutality and Hitlerlike behavior.

  2. Huh, not a conspiracy theorist but isn’t the timing of this all interesting. How easy is it for someone/some group to get the off kilter masses to attempt something this asinine that can only end with people getting hurt/injured/killed and creating a complete havoc/chaotic situation in a remote area of the desert. I can already see who will be blamed for all this.

  3. There was a video of a couple guys on motorcycles who took a dirt road bordering Area 51. They weren’t there long before soldiers showed up on the hilltops armed to the teeth. They were told in very harsh tones that if they didn’t leave they would regret it.


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