Picture of Congresswoman in the Throes of Her “Throuple” Relationship – IOTW Report

Picture of Congresswoman in the Throes of Her “Throuple” Relationship

Full picture HERE

This is gross. No, not the lesbianism. She’s sitting naked on the cloth hotel chair!!

Here’s the backstory in the “throuple” thing.

h/t didn’t have the right outfit?

and Jerry Manderin

19 Comments on Picture of Congresswoman in the Throes of Her “Throuple” Relationship

  1. If the RNC primaries Donald Trump with Kenny Heslep… if the DNC hands Kenny Heslep the “honestly contested” position of 2020 Democratic Candidate for President of The United States… I, for one, am gonna’ M(f’n)A!GA! (sorry Donald)

  2. I reckon 2 Timothy 3:10-17 covers this hot mess.

    There is a second perceptive comment here, and that is “evil men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived.” Paul clearly foresaw this happening in the ages to come; he probably witnessed it in his own lifetime. Those who do not repent, those who love their sins and will not yield them, inevitably are abandoned by God to their sinful wishes and proclivities, and every occasion of accession to their vices fuels those vices and, once in full bloom, these vices engender new vices, and the state of the man’s soul progressively blackens as it descends into greater depths of evil. If all this were not bad enough, profligates, the avaricious, the proud, the ruthless, the violent not only applaud themselves but applaud like-minded sinners, who mutually encourage each other to excel in their vices. I have seen this in society in my own lifetime. Sins that people once hid from the view of others they now flaunt before everyone’s eyes and dare them to protest. Vice is presented as virtue, and virtue as intolerance

  3. The only complaint the husband has is that his wife of 15 years didn’t level with him about “opening their relationship”? Open their relationship?! Is that a thing, now?

  4. So… um… we all know why the staffer isn’t naked and she is right?

    All part of the staffer doing her duties I guess. Getting her hair brushed as a reward or somethin 😨


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