Picture of the Week – IOTW Report

Picture of the Week

backturnsNYPD turns their backs on de Blasio


17 Comments on Picture of the Week

  1. From a good source; DeBlasio does not have a TOP SECRET Security clearance. How could he, with his background? Yet he’s the Mayor of New York City. Wonder what type of Security
    clearance our emperor has? I wonder if Bill Bratton is sticking around because of this? After all , as Police Commissioner,he’s one of the few Americans in City Hall. I’m just thinking out loud but if I worked for a news paper I’d be looking in to things like that. But I’d probably end up in the East River.

  2. Like this isn’t planned? Next up: NYPD refuses to protect the good people of the great city of ny, blah, blah, blah, hello obolaDHS.

    Coming soon
    to a city, county, state, country close to you.

  3. @Claudia:

    The real scoop is that the Ramos family, whose members are absolute vanguards of Christian forgiveness, told him he was welcome at the funeral. And, since the guest list at this funeral was controlled not by the NYPD, but the family, I’d say don’t be so hard on de Blasio this time.

    Having said that, I can report to you that I heard on the radio that EVERY. SINGLE. COP. gave de Blasio an ass view as he spoke. Even the out-of-town ones. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to see it.

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