Piers Morgan Dresses Down Liberal Anti-Trumper on Good Morning Britain – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan Dresses Down Liberal Anti-Trumper on Good Morning Britain

9 Comments on Piers Morgan Dresses Down Liberal Anti-Trumper on Good Morning Britain

  1. Watch the eyes of contempt and ‘Mo’ himself @4:05, towards Piers. Quite revealing this lizard creature.

    Up there @ Rick you mean HEAD on a silver platter…

    That IS THEIR way.

  2. If the Muslim creature would get his facts straight and stop watching fake news, he might have a different view of Trump and the US. Maybe he should speak what is really on his mind in the Trump calls out the bad acts of Islam. Kids dying is not Trumps fault and Trump seems to understand the climate hoax.

  3. other than Piers Morgan’s idiotic anti-gun opinions, he isn’t afraid to use someone’s leftist views against them.

    /offtopic – does Morgan have kids? If so, what are their names? Dock Morgan? The gay one is Quay Morgan? Just sayin’….

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