Piers Morgan is annoyed With American Libs – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan is annoyed With American Libs


British Liberal Piers Morgan is not happy with his friends in America. He just can’t understand how liberals can be so hypocritical and perverse in their opposition to President Trump.

To be clear, he understands why they oppose Trump… he just doesn’t understand how they can defend using such violent and troubling rhetoric in their attacks.

Morgan starts near the beginning with Madonna’s “Women’s March” attack on the Trump presidency:

Madonna started this disturbing trend by screaming at the Women’s March the day after the Inauguration that she dreams of ‘blowing up the White House.’

Following this outrageous comment, which attracted global headlines, death threats were aimed at the new president on an unprecedented scale.

Dataminr reported that in the next two weeks alone, more than 12,000 posts with the words ‘assassinate Trump’ were made on Twitter.

The threats have carried on coming, many of them far more serious than a Twitter post, with Secret Service working 24/7 to stop myriad plots to attack POTUS.

Yet this hasn’t stopped people who should know better from fanning the flames.

He then skips over a few months (and thousands of threats) to Kathy Griffin:  MORE

8 Comments on Piers Morgan is annoyed With American Libs

  1. Morgan slightly triangulating his brand to reflect the new mood in America.

    Nothing more. He’s still a Lefty poofster.
    But he sees a lucrative niche opening since so many NeverTrumpers have removed themselves from the marketplace.

  2. Hopefuly the Media Hears him. I Wonder, Does the Media even Realize all the Crazed Freaks and the Violence are their Creation ??? Do they Assosiate With Them, or think They’re Just Crazy People who Popped out of the Woodwork.

  3. Yes, Piers is an ass. But I’m not going to slam him for speaking the truth. It’s not the first time he’s done this lately. I have no doubt he’s still a flaming lib, but I think it’s needed that people on his side get a wake-up call. It’s not going to end well for them.

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