Piers Morgan on Obama: ‘Shameless, Reprehensible Buck-Passing’ – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan on Obama: ‘Shameless, Reprehensible Buck-Passing’

Big Journalism

Former CNN host Piers Morgan’s inaugural editorial for the Daily Mail Online rails hard against U.S.

President Obama this week committed professional suicide.

He managed to single-handedly alienate 200,000 employees in the American intelligence agencies by going on 60 Minutes and ruthlessly chucking them all under a bus over the rise of terror group ISIS.

‘James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) has acknowledged that they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria,’ he said, when asked how ISIS’ influence could have spread so fast.

As Governor Chris Christie pointed out, by saying ‘they’ rather than ‘we’, Obama tried to distance himself from any personal responsibility or accountability for what has been a catastrophic failure to act over the greatest terror threat facing the world since Osama Bin Laden.



14 Comments on Piers Morgan on Obama: ‘Shameless, Reprehensible Buck-Passing’

  1. He managed to single-handedly alienate 200,000 employees in the American intelligence agencies by going on 60 Minutes and ruthlessly chucking them all under a bus over the rise of terror group ISIS.

    Intelligence was collected, analyzed, collated and summarized for submission further up the food chain.

    Teh iWon wouldn’t deign to attend the briefings where it was presented.

    Then he turns and blames the intelligence community for his lack of information.

    Once upon a time in my youth, I risked life and limb to collect such information, (for much more appreciative presidents I might add) so I feel qualified to say “Fuck you Obama and the sasquatch you rode in on.”

  2. I wonder if Piers is frustrated and getting hungry because he hasn’t found work yet. He’s fretting that he’ll have to head back to Europe and live in a community with all the radical Muslims that have consumed the area.

  3. Aw com on Piers. You’re just saying that because he’s Black. Right? All these years you’ve been kissing his ass knowing full well that he was a condesending, narcissist, lying piece of shit. And you insulted the American people for not realizing just how brillian Obama was. As they say in Brooklyn: Gettafukouttahere you racist limey prick.

  4. Piers is just one of the talking heads that are starting the processing of cutting themselves loose from the worshiping Obama club. In around 6 months they’ll be all talking like “Obama, never heard of him”. Then they’ll move over to the I heart Hillary club. Piers is moving a bit earlier then I would have thought but he’s still in trouble in Britain over phone hacking when he was running the tabloid paper and maybe he’s just trying to fog up the place.

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