Pigeons Wearing Tiny MAGA Hats Are Pooping All Over Dem Debate in Vegas – IOTW Report

Pigeons Wearing Tiny MAGA Hats Are Pooping All Over Dem Debate in Vegas

PJM: 2020 is shaping up to be an epic election year, full of absurdity that even Marianne Williamson couldn’t dream up. While the Democrat candidates gear up to yap onstage in Las Vegas on Wednesday evening, they should watch where they walk near the venue because some pranksters have unleashed a flock of pigeons wearing MAGA hats (and one in a blonde Trump wig) to perch around the Democrat debate and trigger (or poop on) attendees as a form of protest. watch

6 Comments on Pigeons Wearing Tiny MAGA Hats Are Pooping All Over Dem Debate in Vegas

  1. If you watched any part of the Libtard debate tonight you know they needed no help in spreading the shit around. Very entertaining. It was like Saturday Night Live. Except it was funny.


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