Pigs Suck, Mannnn – IOTW Report

Pigs Suck, Mannnn

Listen to this trooper, Eric Devers, exerting all of his energy to keep a man alive.

HT/ Boobie the Rocket Dog

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10 Comments on Pigs Suck, Mannnn

  1. Many of the finest serve their communities, cities and states.

    Yeah, there are a few bad apples, but thank God there are only a few.

    But those few get all the press that paints everyone with a broad brush..

  2. Who dat pig mu’fuckah think he is; be yellin’ at dat po’ axden’ victim like dat. As if da po’ homie need a pig all in his face …. Shee-yit!

    If da homie gotta die, den let him die. Don’ be all yellin’ an’ shit

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