Pill To Treat COVID Could Be Game Changer – IOTW Report

Pill To Treat COVID Could Be Game Changer

Fox News

A new possible medication to treat coronavirus-positive patients could be enough to turn the pandemic on its head, Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel revealed Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend.”

First-stage testing of the experimental COVID-19 pill called Molnupiravir, by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, showed promising signs of effectiveness in reducing the virus in patients.

“It may be the holy grail on this because it was just studied in phase two trials and it literally stopped the virus in its tracks,” he explained. “And there wasn’t any virus found in the patients that were studied.” More

19 Comments on Pill To Treat COVID Could Be Game Changer

  1. It’s related to mutagenic drugs and may turn out to be one, which is fine if you don’t mind, say, growing a few extra fingers and toes or maybe an extra head or something.

  2. My Ex Gf from High school is a nurse. 1988

    She says the they all use 2 secret pills to control Covid when they have to work. (Low to moderate symptoms so they can go in a do their shift without loosing any money)

    Advil and Aspirin alternating for a couple days.

    Her words not mine.

    I used scotch (Laphroaig 10 year and Ardbeg) More peaty than a Duck’s ASS

  3. What would work even better is to turn off everyone’s television for a couple weeks. There is no more Covid Pandemic than there is an Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming crisis.

    I’m thinking that if I could wrestle a mask on a sea turtle and get a photograph of it swimming about with it stuck there the whole Goddamned bullshittarama would be over. Jesus Christ, I see 750 discarded masks every day for each plastic drink straw I have seen in my lifetime. They are all over the shore line of Puget Sound.

  4. I thought we already HAD two game changer pills to stop WuFlu in its tracks: Ivermectin and Hydroxyquinone. They’ve been in use and study for about 50 years. If there were any dangers or warnings, they would have been found out by now and the pills pulled from the market.
    Considering Big Pharma’s track record of trust lately, I think I’ll pass for now, and see how well they pan out after 50 years.

  5. Anyone of you hater potaters here want to take a wild guess what stops my Petey B dead in his tracks? Anyone? You got it. My unbleached elastic starfish!

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