Pilot Speaks Out – The Forced Jab Nearly Killed Me, And it Could Kill You if You Are On Plane With a Pilot Who is Unfit to Fly – IOTW Report

Pilot Speaks Out – The Forced Jab Nearly Killed Me, And it Could Kill You if You Are On Plane With a Pilot Who is Unfit to Fly

ht/. woody

12 Comments on Pilot Speaks Out – The Forced Jab Nearly Killed Me, And it Could Kill You if You Are On Plane With a Pilot Who is Unfit to Fly

  1. Planes kill people on the ground, too. Sometimes, LOTS of people. You don’t have to be ON a plane or even be near an airport to DIE in a plane crash.


    …planes can crash literally ANYWHERE.

    This is a threat to literally EVERYONE.

    And for no reason other than using fear to maintain power…

  2. Imagine the power pilots actually have and what they could have accomplished had they stuck together and collectively said “FUCK YOU, NO VAX MANDATES” to their companies?

    Nothing like the air traffic controllers, these motherfuckers had some serious clout but they were mostly a bunch of bitches.

  3. Been there… Done that… Fortunately the vehicle I was driving stopped on someone’s lawn and didn’t hit anyone. Woke up in an ambulance… Then I still got the ‘rona despite the jab and it turned my pancreas into tapioca…


  4. LocoBlancoSaltine January 13, 2022 at 10:15 am

    Imagine the power pilots actually have and what they could have accomplished had they stuck together and collectively said “FUCK YOU, NO VAX MANDATES” to their companies?

    Here’s one pilot that walked after being told the mandate was coming. Going fishing more now.

  5. Uncle Al ʘ FU46i
    JANUARY 13, 2022 AT 9:59 AM
    “This is bad, very bad. And also bad would be driving on the highway near a loaded semi with a driver going into cardiac arrest.”

    Which is confusing when triaging an accident scene, especially if multiple vehicles are involved, because your midset in such cases is to consider the heart attack as sequale of and not the cause of the accident, and start looking for trauma.

    Once you get that far.

    Even if only two cars are involved, you can get a surprising number of people in a car, and the first guy there has to look at EVERYONE very breifly and determine priorities because HIS job is truage, not treatmen.

    And from a practical standpoint, an entrapped, pulseless person isn’t going to be high on the priority list in a mass casualty incident, partly because of the low survival rate in traumatic arrests, but mostly because you can’t do effective CPR in an upside-down, wadded-up vehicle with nice cuishony seats behind the victim that you’re going to spend a whole bunch of minutes stabilizing the vehicle and cutting them out, most likely more that the four that even a WITNESSED arrest gives you before permanant, irreversible brain and heart death occur.

    Just the way it is.

    I had two colleagues that hadtjis issue, even BEFORE the Jab.

    One was “not feeling well” by his own admission to his passenger, but he said he would drive his passenger to work and then take himself to the hospital that is not far away.

    Welp, that’s a PLAN…

    …unfortunately, his heart literally wasn’t in it.

    He died at high speeds on an off-ramp, and only his terrifed passenger grabbing the wheel fast enough to turn a headon into a sideswipe kept there from being MORE deaths.

    Couple years later, my freind and close co-worker for years texted me first thing in the morning from the front bathroom about how bad he felt and he needed help. He certainly dud, diaphoretic as hell, awful breathing, irregular pulses, he was WELL on his way to a permanent early, EXTREMELY
    permanent retirement.

    After having JUST driven there.

    …Got HIM to the hospital in time, and one beef-heart reconstructed valve later, he was able to retire as a LIVING man and see his daughter graduate.

    But 5 minutes later, had he got stuck at one more light, and I’d probably be writing about the cars HE hit, instead.

    …so, Jab or NO Jab, if you’re not feeling well, your blood sugar is off, you’re sweaty for no reason, you aren’t breathing well, ANYTHING.. for the love of GOD, your own safety, and that of HUNDREDS of others, do NOT try to drive.

    Its a lot easier to get you help in your bed than at the bottom of a ravine that the media will later characterize as “The Impact Point”, believe ME.

    …and you’re family really does NOT need to deal with the lawsuits from the other drivers when they’re trying to get you buried, it’s very distracting.

    Kali Refugee from Texas was VERY lucky, as was my freind.

    Most people are NOT.

    …which is yet ANOTHER thing that makes adding a cardiac death risk to ALL machine operators by goverment mandate so very, very stupid…


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