Pilots Lie to Stay in the Sky – IOTW Report

Pilots Lie to Stay in the Sky

UK Daily Mail

Almost 5,000 pilots have been investigated for failing to disclose receiving disability benefits, which could bar them from the cockpit.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed to The Washington Post on Sunday that 4,800 pilots had been investigated.

Of those, 600 are licensed to fly passenger planes. The rest fly cargo or corporate clients. More

8 Comments on Pilots Lie to Stay in the Sky

  1. …a few months back they changed the ekg standards to allow for a longer PR interval.


    That means this:

    “The PR interval is the time from the onset of the P wave to the start of the QRS complex. It reflects conduction through the AV node.

    The normal PR interval is between 120 – 200 ms (0.12-0.20s) in duration (three to five small squares).
    If the PR interval is > 200 ms, first degree heart block is said to be present.
    PR interval < 120 ms suggests pre-excitation (the presence of an accessory pathway between the atria and ventricles) or AV nodal (junctional) rhythm."

    …a first degree AV block can cause issues from faintness to sudden cardiac death, and between the push for Affirmative Action hires at all cost and to move to a single pilot cockpit, we aren't going to need Arabs to smash planes into things much longer, the dying pilots will do an admirable job of that all by themselves.

  2. This is sensationalist newsmaking. People lie, oh gee stop the presses!

    4,800 cases, 60 grounded, spread over five years, from a pilot population that hovers around 650,000.

  3. Fear not, SNS, my two sons are training to be airline pilots, at two different schools. One is at a Part 61 school, and the other is at a part 141 school. I can vouch for the rigorous programs at each school, for ALL students. If you can’t cut the mustard, you get washed out. Both my sons have seen classmates fall by the wayside. You’ve either got it or you don’t.

    Where I worry more about affirmative action and quotas is in the air traffic control programs. There’s a big, woke push going on there, and the assumption seems to be that you can fake it til you make it in ATC, so standards can be fudged. To me, that’s a bigger disaster waiting to happen, but we’ll see.

    And I wonder if the FAA investigation is also concerned about the jab effects on pilots but has to address these concerns in an oblique fashion, so as not to step on other Federal feet. Probably not, but still…

  4. That’s good info Thirdwin but the fact is 1,000s of pilots were forced to get vax injections. Dozens of near fatal incidents have been suppressed where one of the cockpit pilots have suffered a debilitating incident in the cockpit.

    I’ve quit flying. I just took a 6 day round trip drive to AR. Very pleasant.

    Here’s where SNS tells me it’s just as probable I’ll be hit by falling aircraft on my bicycle.

  5. MMinWA AT 10:14 PM

    “Here’s where SNS tells me it’s just as probable I’ll be hit by falling aircraft on my bicycle.”

    …nope. A car jumps the curb. Total freak accident, the driver just sneezed.

    …but he WAS on his way to the airport, so there’s that…

  6. Lots of room to fudge these tests, even the more rigorous ones. Never have your aircraft medical examiner be your primary care physician. That way, real history & “remembered” history is kept separate.

    Rules for FAA Medical Certification:

    BasicMed, for private pilots…

    Possess a current and valid U.S. driver’s license
    Held valid medical certificate after July 14th, 2006
    Receive a qualifying physical exam from a licensed physician, Comprehensive Medical Examination Checklist must be followed
    Complete FAA BasicMed course


    Limited to aircraft able to carry 6 passengers or less
    Cannot fly an aircraft weighing more than 6,000 lbs
    Cannot fly with more than 5 passengers
    Must be flying recreationally

    Class III, for private pilots…


    Must meet eye, ear, nose, throat, and other standards in examination
    Must meet mental health standards
    Must disclose health history


    Must be renewed every 5 years if under 40, every 2 years if over 40
    Pilots must fly recreationally, not for hire
    Not for commercial or airline pilots

    Class II, for commercial pilots…

    20/20 vision with or without correction
    Must pass color vision test
    Must pass all health standards


    Must be renewed every year
    Not able to fly for transportation airlines

    Class I, airline transport pilots…

    20/20 vision with or without correction
    Must meet mental and neurological standards
    ECG required at age 35 and annually after 40 years old


    Must be renewed every 12 months, 6 months for those over age 40
    Not recognized by the military

  7. I was a VA mortgage Underwriter for years, and if you served in the Air Force, there is a 100% chance every AF veteran is disabled from VA, drawing anywhere from $1000 to $3400 per month tax free. If you are a pilot, it is guaranteed that they are 100% disabled by VA, drawing the max $3400, and still flying civilian. The AF has the scam of the century going.


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