Pima County Dems Can Go F* Off this 4th – IOTW Report

Pima County Dems Can Go F* Off this 4th


“F*ck the Fourth” was the Independence Day message from the Pima County Democratic Party of Arizona in the lead up to the holiday weekend. They deleted the tweet, but not before it was captured and reposted by Turning Point Action’s Tyler Bowyer. Pima County is the home to Democrat Senator Mark Kelly.

The message “Let’s Mourn with F*ck the Fourth. See you at Reid Park” was for an event with the Tuscon Women’s March, which added “Bring comfortable shoes, water, lawn chairs, posters, and your anger.” More

28 Comments on Pima County Dems Can Go F* Off this 4th

  1. “The event was organized to help women in our community grieve for the loss of their bodily autonomy, which we consider an elemental right.”

    …except for when you are told to take experimental drugs by Democrats that may sterilize you, give you or your baby cancer, mutate your baby, or just kill both of you, because no one actually tested it for any of that.

    So in the case of a vaxxine that makes money for Democrats and gives power to Democrats, then fuck your bodily autonomy too.

  2. My dad (an AF vet 1947-50) was born in Bisbee, Arizona in 1929. Fortunately, he didn’t live long enough to see this. If he was still alive at 93, I’m more than sure he’d want to kick their democrap ass for their hatred of the traditional America he and my 3 uncles and aunt grew up back in the 30’s and 40’s during the great depression and World War 2. My 3 uncles, Ray, Roy and Ross all WW 2 vets would gladly join him. Ross was a US Army paratrooper and a trained sniper because of his excellent marksmanship skills growing up in the woods of N. Idaho before the war and Ray and Roy were both Navy vets. None of them would be happy with this anti-American hatred and bullshit and neither would my grandfather. I hate the left!

  3. The dems are too lazy to even hide who they really are anymore and too stupid and narcissistic to grasp that more and more people are hating their fucking filthy fascist guts.

  4. Not only can you not Vote Democrat and be a Christian, you can’t support the progressive agenda and not have a deal seated hatred for what America stands for as the best hope innocent human beings have to escape increased suffering, misery and death. It is just that simple. What we are living through is the mask coming off and the illusion of progressivism being compassion based as a total fabrication. One simply cannot make any claim to trusting that so called progressives are well intentioned, but misguided, any longer. They make clear where they stand, what they stand for and the force they follow and to deny them sincerity in what they are espousing on those videos is absolutely ludicrous at best.

  5. If Kelly is going to Tucson he should look at for Jared Loughner. He may stll be under the influence of Sarah Palins campaign poster

    BTW, Kelly have you and “Gabby” ever reached out to the family of “Jack” Roll, who was actually killed that day. I guess the fact that he was a Republican means his life didnt matter

  6. the Tuscon Women’s March, which added “Bring comfortable shoes, water, lawn chairs, posters, and your anger.”

    Your anger? Like wymyn of The Free West can ever leave home without it.

  7. Read somewhere that barmaid Ocascio-Cortes is protesting something or other by having her nails done . (As if she needs an “excuse” to do girly things)
    Yes,Dr Savage, liberalism really is a mental disorder.

  8. Unfortunately, this may not be the only anti-American 4th of July celebration this weekend. The bastards on the left have declared war on American independence and this is just one of their many attempts (the actual start was probably about 1968 at the height of the Vietnam war) that they will use to try to destroy America as it was founded. If they start it, we the American people who still believe in traditional American values will end it with God’s help. We have reached the boiling point; the lines have been drawn in the sand and I know where I stand for America and against the radical agenda of the left. The oath that I swore when I joined the Navy nearly 50 years ago (on 8-31-1972) still stands and I will fight against all enemies both foreign and domestic to uphold the Constitution, so help me God.

  9. This is nothing new for Pima County, we’ve been run by Commie’s for decades. 🤯

    I’ve come to the conclusion a long time ago that Tucson voter’s are stupid as hell.

    We also have plenty of hags that will show up for this demonstration, 😩 just walk into any store and you’ll want to shower when you get home. 😬

    Personally I’d like to set off a few fireworks up their ass.
    By the way you don’t like how this country was founded, pack a bag and get the F out.

    God Bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  10. If it wasn’t for that liberal bastion of Tucson and Pima County, AZ would be close to being a full red state! Those pathetic Portland wanna-be’s in Tusa make me sick and that grifter Kelly is a despicable POS. Those extremist leftist filth have ruined that once decent city! Thank God I live in Yuma and we are far away from that leftist sewer!

  11. Miss Kitty…..I got a metric buttload of fireworks from Nevada if you want some….

    Anyway, I’ve bought three cars in Tucson. All in the poor side of town near the freeway. Never been downtown. There’s a nice college down there somewhere. Went there for a geography bee once.

    And that’s it. Could tell you more about Bisbee or Why than I could about Tucson.


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