Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy – IOTW Report

Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy


State Legislature Candidate And Pimp Dennis Hof Calls State Sexual Assault Investigation ‘Politically Motivated’.

Brothel owner and Nevada state legislature Republican candidate Dennis Hof is under investigation for sexual assault, authorities said Wednesday.

Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong confirmed Wednesday that an unidentified woman in a hospital accused Hof of raping her during the weekend, reported CBS News. The state Department of Public Safety (DPS) took over the investigation.

Hof has never been investigated by DPS before now, he told The Daily Caller News Foundation via email Thursday.

Hof owns legal brothels in Carson City, Nevada, reported The Reno Gazette-Journal. The sheriff’s office has not disclosed whether the woman worked at a brothel that Hof owns, according to CBS News.

Hof’s campaign said Wednesday that the candidate is “cooperating fully” in the investigation.

“While he has his suspicions, at this time Mr. Hof does not know exactly what the allegations are, who made them or when the alleged incident supposedly took place,” continued the campaign statement. “Nevertheless he completely and totally denies that any such incident occurred and believes the allegations are groundless and politically motivated.”  MORE

14 Comments on Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy

  1. I don’t live in his district so obviously didn’t vote for him, but to tell you the truth the way the other assemblymen are acting (both Rs and Ds) makes me sick. He might not have been my candidate of choice, but he is who the voters in that district selected and to say they’re not going to work or caucus with him is outright disrespect for the will of the people. Just like with Trump.

  2. Nevada… say no more.

    They are doing their best to rehabilitate themselves for giving the nation Harry Reid. Bless ’em. The funny thing is- if the pimp wins it will go a long way to restoring the office of senate from what Reid did to it. I mean if the guy shows up for work dressed like Huggy Bear with a pimp cane it will do more to undo the stain that was Harry Reid.

    For the young ones who don’t have a clue as to what I’m talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGqSBivLhEc


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