Pinko Has Just Reported on His Radio Show That Zilla is Home and Recovering – IOTW Report

Pinko Has Just Reported on His Radio Show That Zilla is Home and Recovering

That is all.

Congratulations Zilla.

(She survived very serious surgery!)

33 Comments on Pinko Has Just Reported on His Radio Show That Zilla is Home and Recovering

  1. Zilla,
    Like me & my “3 for 1” special a couple of months ago, God wasn’t ready for you yet & the Devil was afraid you were going to take over, so you are still here, because God has more plans for you here.

    Very happy you are on the road to recovery.

  2. Thank you, everyone! Your prayers made all the difference, I know it!
    The pain meds take the edge off but keep me awake. Weird, right?
    Doc, I can always make sammicthes, even when I can’t eat ‘em. I AM a housewife! I could make sammitches for my hubby in my sleep! But hubby was nice and got Chinese food for the family today and he took two days off from work to get me to & from the hospital and care for our children and pets. He is a good guy and deserves every sammitch that I can make him and more!

  3. Pogo, my dad used to say that! He was a tough guy, an ex cop, from the Bronx. He was only 58 when he died, but we were lucky to have him as long as we did. My dad died in January of 2001. My dad had excellent leadership and organizational skills and he was big and strong but immensely kind and compassionate. When the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001 happened, I knew in my heart that my dad was taken when he was because The Lord would find good use for his unique skill set for the massive amount of new arrivals on the other side.
    BTW, I am super happy that you made it through your stuff too, Pogo! (((Hugs)))

  4. When I had my brief trip to the other side last January, I was told I could rest but I begged to come back because I had “so much to do!” and I was very kindly sent back, so in my prayers I brought that up and asked not to be taken this time because I still have much to do! Thankfully, and with the help of all of you, my prayer was granted and I get to be with my family (people and pets) who still need me and who I loathe to be apart from! And every day that I am alive and Trump is POTUS is a great day for me! I swear, every day God gifts me with SOMETHING to smile about, sometimes a bunch of things, usually involving my family (people & critters), my POTUS, and YOU GUYS! I really do love ya!

  5. Zilla I’m so glad everything worked out. Between Sept 07 and fall of 14/15 (?) I spent more time in a recliner recovering from surgeries then I did outside. After 9 or 10 surgeries in the last 9-10 years I have learned a few absolute must in life.
    The first I think you have nailed down, God.
    Second most important thing is family.
    Third, never lose your sense of humor. It is actually a good thing to laugh so hard it hurts.
    Fourth, don’t fall into to poor pitiful me’s. Although at times it is perfectly understandable, it does not help and rule 1 ( God ) will gladly slap you straight.

    My last bit of advice, and this one took awhile for me to truly grasp, and live by…..develop what I call the screw it attitude. That is not meant in the a way you might think. It is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your family. Refer to rule 1. Yeah, he is in control. When one truly grasps that they have made it this far, roof over their head, never truly knew what hunger was, has people who love them and care about them near by and after all the worrying and scary times……here you are. How did you get here. How have we made it this far. Those sleepless night over all the things we all worry about, yet at this very moment you can’t recalll one that at one time was the most important thing in the world to you. Yet, here you are. Here we are. I wish I had the skills to frame it and make it easier to understand what I’m getting at. Truly trust rule #1 and laugh a little. Life is good.

  6. “When I had my brief trip to the other side last January…”

    Zilla. You saw beyond the veil?!?! WOW. Too bad I don’t live closer. I’d love to pull up a chair and hear all about it.

    I am so glad to hear this news. God has been answering a lot of prayers lately. Godspeed!

  7. Zilla — Never a doubt that you’d be back here speedy quick! Rest, be a burden (give the gift of servitude to others). 🙂 Don’t try to do too much too soon!! Now, you have earned the right to describe your surgeries in all their harrowing detail!! LOL!

    Love you very much, Zilla! Merry Christmas.

  8. Thought about and prayed for you often over the last couple days. So, SO glad to hear the wonderful news! What a lovely Christmas gift for you and your family… and us! Yay!

  9. I’m a little late to the thankfulness party but I was praying hard on Wednesday and Thursday for you. All thanks be to God for you coming through the surgery. I am so happy you are home–where you belong!

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