Pious, I mean Prius, Drivers Behaving Badly – IOTW Report

Pious, I mean Prius, Drivers Behaving Badly

This clip is 6 years old but it’s as apropos today as it was the day it was filmed.

These fartcuppers never change.

ht/ illustr8r

Is this not the typical face of a progtard? What comes out of it is classic.

25 Comments on Pious, I mean Prius, Drivers Behaving Badly

  1. Today’s questionably obscure fact:

    Following on the success of similar groups like The Searchers and Peter, Paul & Mary, The Fartcuppers were a Canadian folk troupe in the late ’60s. They had one song make the charts, entitled “So Humble (To Be Better Than You).”

    After disbanding, the members went on to careers as lawyers, media pundits, Democrat operatives, drug addicts, and child molesters, simultaneously.

  2. Here is an old lady in a Prius story. The day after PDT did the State of the Union Address I was filling up my truck and I had my Trump stickers on the tailgate. I was talking to a couple guys that liked them and this lady that was filling up her Prius was kind of paying attention, but trying not to make it obvious. When she had an opportunity to ask, she inquired if I had seen the speech the night before, and I said yes and I thought he did a great job. To my surprise she said she did too and closed out by saying “I just love that man!” I was shocked, even some ladies in a Prius likes Trump.

  3. Never admit to loss of moral high ground. On camera. Prius then congratulated everyone for doing their job so well. They became her ‘equals’ in character and etiquette……welcome to The REPUBLIC!, grin

  4. Everyone knows that a narrow 2 lane highway with dense vegetation just a few feet from the roadway that would give you about half a second warning if any animal or child rushed out is a 40 MPH zone; maybe even a 45 MPH zone

    What’s this police officer’s problem?

  5. Even after being told she was on a segment called “People behaving badly”, she continued to behave badly. It never occurs to these people that they might not be “good people”.

  6. And here is another bitch that will make your blood boil. She did mine.

    “Port Authority commissioner confronts police.” Full video.

    Good news is she got fired.


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