Pipeline protesters storm stage at VA Dem guv candidate’s victory party – IOTW Report

Pipeline protesters storm stage at VA Dem guv candidate’s victory party

American Mirror: Protesters opposed to an oil pipeline commandeered the stage at Virginia Democratic governor candidate Ralph Northam’s victory party on Tuesday night.

Video shows a group of protesters storming the stage and screaming into the microphone as Northam supporters booed.

“Virginia politicians fail to protect Virginians!” they shouted.

“And enact violent policies!” they continued, echoing the woman screaming so loud into the microphone that her voice was cracking.

As they shouted about “resistance,” the group’s unity fell apart as they shouted canned progressive slogans above one another.

The microphone was finally cut and a staffer member failed in his attempt to get them off the stage…

go see

5 Comments on Pipeline protesters storm stage at VA Dem guv candidate’s victory party

  1. No Pipeline uh?
    Inquiring minds want to know: Why not turn off the pipeline to yer own house?
    Hmmmmm??? It’s real easy to do. Action talks, Bullshit walks!

    I’ll bet a week’s pay and a good steak dinner that not one of these immature, self-absorbed, narcissistic, childish, little hypocrites have ever even thought about turning off the gas, or electric to their parents homes!
    They know they’d get their ass kicked!

  2. Questioned a Code Pinko about her bumper sticker re ‘NO BLOOD FOR OIL. Pointed out that her clothes came from oil, the gas she used to get to store was from Middle East(ME) oil, the roads she drove on were paved with ME tar, all the plastic in her car was from ME oil and everything she was going to buy was delivered by trucks using ME diesel. Because she was alone, she was pleasant. When leaving, I was afraid to look back. Scared of seeing her mooning.

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