Pirro Takes On the Panicked Elites and the #NeverTrump Coalition – IOTW Report

Pirro Takes On the Panicked Elites and the #NeverTrump Coalition

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more at Gateway Pundit

ht/ Kpark

14 Comments on Pirro Takes On the Panicked Elites and the #NeverTrump Coalition

  1. Great opening segments. Just wish she could have shown suc fire when she ran against then Senator Hillary Clinton.
    Husband was involved in shady deals and imprisioned.
    She is fiscally conservative, but moderate to liberal on social issues.
    She withdrew in the race against then Senator Hillary Clinton when it appeared she would be wiped out, electing to run for NY Attorney General, which she ended up losing.


  2. Pirro’s got Mittens number – she dialed and a weasel answered. He is a hypocrite and liar. Yeah, where was Mittens when Obama…enough said.

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