Where Henry David Thoreau Used To Go – IOTW Report

Where Henry David Thoreau Used To Go

Generations of swimmers bathing in Walden pond in Massachusetts have apparently been reliving themselves a little too readily in the once pristine waters. The high “levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are found in human waste” in the waters then “feeds the algae that spreads across the water and blocks the rays of the sun, which fish also need to survive. More 

12 Comments on Where Henry David Thoreau Used To Go

  1. “Swimmers are probably the largest source of such nutrients now, and demand for the beach facilities is likely to increase in a warmer future,” the study states.
    So leftist environmentalists are the ones fucking up things due to globull warming?

  2. One hot summer’s day on a crowded beach, a young male friend of the family said he had to pee. Told to go in the water (Lake Michigan) he walked to the waters edge, whipped it out and relieved himself.

  3. DRG your article was written by a lefty that states that people take HDT out of context and don’t actually read what he wrote, the proceeds to do exactly that by ranting and raving about how mean he was for being anti-government and pro-self reliant.

    I recommend reading Walden. It isn’t at all what that lefty presented it to be.

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