Pissing Off Libs Twenty Dollars at a Time – IOTW Report

Pissing Off Libs Twenty Dollars at a Time

ht/ bad brad

30 Comments on Pissing Off Libs Twenty Dollars at a Time

  1. That’s very funny! And I like the concept that DJT is Barack’s and Mooch’s President too. And Barbra Steisand’s, and George Clooney’s, and Alec Baldwin’s, and Rosie O’Donnell’s, and …

  2. @christianPDX, google Donald Trump Lives Here stamp, looks like they’re around $13.00 from zazzle.com. I’m going to order one and put some $20 bills with that stamped on them into circulation. BadBrad, nice find!

  3. The zazzle description:

    “About This Design
    Donald Trump Lives here Pocket Stamp
    Every Twenty Dollar Bill has an engraving of the White House on the back, use this stamp to remind other great Americans that the GEOTUS, Donald Trump lives there with this pocket sized stamp. We have the best stamps folks.”

    What does GEOTUS mean?

  4. Oh.

    “God-Emperor Of The United States, a crypto-fascists’ acronym for the 45th President of the United States.”

    From Urban Dictionary

    Does this mean zazzle consider themselves crypto-fascists?

  5. @No thanks: Remember when the fad a few years back was to stamp on any money that said “Where’s George?” You would go to the Where’s George website, enter in the serial number of the bill and find out where it had originated and where the money had exchanged hands. I use to enter them in and traced a few. It was fun. I see banks marking bills. IMHO, it’s not defacing the money, it’s sending a message just like “In God We Trust.” Well, I trust the Donald!

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