Pithy One-Liners – IOTW Report

Pithy One-Liners

If I had a nickel for every woman that didn’t find me attractive…They’d eventually find me attractive.

Add yours in the comments.

63 Comments on Pithy One-Liners

  1. Diversity is our strength.
    Don’t shoot till you see the whites in their eyes.
    Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
    It said pithy, not funny

  2. If I suck at playing the trumpet, that’s probably why

    Did you girls know that Electricians have to strip to make ends meet

    HEY!! There’s a bike in town keeps running me over…it’s a vicious cycle’

  3. OH MY GODDD!!! There’s Moooore!

    I have no beef with vegans!

    You can tell if people are judgmental just by staring at them.

    The Pillsbury Doughboy is my roll model!

    EXTRA!! Police station toilet stolen this morning – cops have nothing to go on!

  4. Holy Moly!!! It’s an endless pit! Seriously, I really do not know where I got this stuff!

    I’m terrified of elevators, so I’m taking steps to avoid them.

    Been anxiously awaiting to see the new blockbuster movie,
    “CONSTIPATION” but nothing has come out yet!

    My relationship with whiskey is on the rocks.

    When I call my horse, ”Mayo”, sometimes Mayo neighs.

    I used to be indecisive, but now, I’m not so sure

    What I thought it was a 12 step program turned out being a two-story building……with no elevator. So, like I said before, My relationship with whiskey is on the rocks

  5. OH, no….MOOOORE! Please Stop PLEEEEAAASE!

    One of my friends got so interested in wearing camouflage that
    I don’t see him anymore.

    No matter how hard I push the envelope, I can still paste a stamp on it.

    Even though I’m addicted to brake fluid, I can stop at any time

    And…I’ve been drinking brake fluid every day for yeeeaars
    And I never got addicted.

    How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it all day.

    I used to be a banker, but soon lost interest

  6. It’s the piana’s fault. It’s the piana making me do it….HWAAALP! HELP!

    Man! I stayed up all night to see where the sun went…then it dawned on me!

    She said she recognized me from the Vegan Club, but I’ve never seen herbivore.

    I dropped out of Commie class because I got low Marx.

    Men spend nine months trying to get out of the womb,
    then spends the rest of their lives trying to get back in

    That’s IT!!!! NO MORE. MAYBE SOME OTHER TIME. It just goes on and on. It must have come from way back when Henny Youngman was alive: “Take my wife…PLEASE! I brought my wife to a place she had never been…the kitchen!

    He was on for several weeks where I was playing at the Campbell House in Lexington. Fun times! It was all a dream. A very beautiful dream way back then!

  7. Miller Light commercials fighting over Tastes Great and Less Filling will be replaced by nail scratching, weave pulling, wardrobe malfunctions, and high heel tossing.

  8. Nobody is completely worthless, they can always serve as a bad example.

    If I had a dollar for every gender, I would have $2 and a bunch of counterfeits.

  9. From one of my grandmothers:
    I’d believe you but a 1000 others wouldn’t

    From my mother:
    You’re big and ugly enough to do it yourself

    From me to my kids when they would say, “I know, I know”:
    There’s a difference between knowing and doing

    From my daughter when she was a preteen and I’d get mad at her:

    Mom, you look like a rock star

  10. Don’t sweat old age, it doesn’t last very long
    Never blame on malice what you can explain with stupidity
    Did you ever notice that women who suck don’t.

  11. Welllll, Just two remaining Pithy one-liners for the Pith of it (from Henny Youngman). I promise. Last ones:

    I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places, so he told me to quit going to those places.

    What’s the use of happiness if it can’t buy you money?


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