Pittsburgh Bridge Allowed to Fall Because Libs Had Bike Lanes to Install – IOTW Report

Pittsburgh Bridge Allowed to Fall Because Libs Had Bike Lanes to Install

American Thinker

Instead of repairing the bridge with what likely would have been the Obama-era shovel-ready 2009 infrastructure funds for “roads and bridges,” known as the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,” the cash went to bike lanes and green boondoggles, and too bad about the actual structure that was decaying and deteriorating. Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg loves those bike lanes. Bridges that stay up? That is for someone else to take care of. And of course, no one did. For local leftwing politicians and federal cash shovelers, it was too attractive to build bike lanes and dedicated lanes, the better for Democrats to show off to all their little lefty friends.

Virtually every infrastructure bill has been like this. The Americans for Prosperity website has a history of these continuous infrastructure bills, all of which left a lot of decaying infrastructure and a lot of greenie gee-whiz idiocies . More

21 Comments on Pittsburgh Bridge Allowed to Fall Because Libs Had Bike Lanes to Install

  1. It looks like a double bus was on the bridge when it collapsed.
    A very very heavy double bus.
    Heavy double bus on a weakened bridge is a recipe for the disaster you see.

  2. “Heavy double bus on a weakened bridge is a recipe for the disaster you see.”

    Normally, it would be. But in this particular case, it’s how you intentionally trigger a bridge collapse just hours before you give a speech to bolster support for a giant infrastructure bill.

    In Democrat Land, there are no accidents.

  3. Even liberals would be suspicious of the timing of the bridge “collapse” just before shit for brains gives a speech on infrastructure.

    Wouldn’t they? Nobody would be so stupid to believe it’s a random event. Or would they?


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