PJW- The Fight For Free Speech – IOTW Report

PJW- The Fight For Free Speech

Styxhexenhammer666 joins me to discuss how the legacy media is lobbying YouTube to censor alternative voices.




8 Comments on PJW- The Fight For Free Speech

  1. Social media was invented for liberals by liberals. They don’t want to hear from people right of center
    it harshes their buzz.
    I don’t read daily kos because they are fucking crazy liberals.
    I got kicked off of LGF cause I think the guy is mentally ill and I told him so.
    We need to invent real alternative media just for us.

  2. They left and the establishment see no problem with sending out a bunch of masked thugs to shut down free speech. (antifa)

    There will be no convincing them with any arguments. Rational or otherwise. It’s just how they’re built.

    What we have to focus on is getting those few congressmen who agree with us to stop being cowardly lions and stand up for the law and the constitution. That is our only hope. Period. Any strategy that depends on lunatic liberals to change their minds and stop promoting violence on free speech advocates is destined to fail miserably.

  3. All conservatives & Libertarians need to start publicly insulting leftists (including transgenders, minorities, etc.) in as many offensive ways as they can think of. Breaking “hate speech” laws on a MASSIVE scale will have the effect of nullifying these oppressive laws. AND their heads will explode.

  4. “We need to invent real alternative media just for us.”

    We need to invent real alternative media managed just by us.

    Let others use the media, just don’t let them run it.

    I don’t think an echo chamber is all that powerful in the grand scheme of things.

  5. Claudia, Couldn’t agree more with Fur on this. We need more geeks.

    As I read some of the comments there I ran across this –

    richwill66 February 11, 2018 at 11:19 am

    Knocking Pamela Geller does not appeal to me I just quit visiting this ste

    Thirdtwin asked for elaboration and I was about to make the statement there is no site more supportive of Miss Gellar, outside of her own of course.

    But then I realized if he hadn’t been back to answer Thirdtwin’s post right after his on the 11th, it was a waste of time.

    Posts get old fast around here. 😀

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