Plaintive Wail —“Trump Used To Be a Democrat !!!!!!!” – IOTW Report

Plaintive Wail —“Trump Used To Be a Democrat !!!!!!!”

If Trump was a democrat, he didn’t leave the party, the party left him.

How often do we hear people say, “If Kennedy was running today he’d fit right in with the republicans”?

The 1995 Clinton, a democrat, sounds pretty good on immigration, no?

14 Comments on Plaintive Wail —“Trump Used To Be a Democrat !!!!!!!”

  1. Reagan was once a Democrat too and was a fan of FDR.

    I guess #NeverTrumpers have already denounced him as being a fake and banned anybody from mentioning his name on their blogs and websites.

  2. Bill Clinton only started sounding like a conservative when he lost the House and Senate. Plain and simple, Bill was looking out for Bill and was willing to choose his legacy over his ideology.

  3. I was a Democrat…until Bill Clinton ran for President. The first time I ever heard him speak, I knew he was a sleazeball. Couldn’t stand him, couldn’t stand his shrewish wife, went on to realize that I also couldn’t stand the whining Democrats in Congress, after realizing what liars they were. (started watching cspan, what an eye-opener that was.)

    I Left the Democratic party and haven’t looked back.

  4. I was a kinda sorta democrap till 1988. After that I wised up and haven’t voted for a democrap since. It’s funny how having a wife and 3 small kids turns your life around. That and recovering from being a social work major in college in the late 70’s and early 80’s. What a bunch of leftist Cloward and Piven crap, I hated the comm. organizing class and being indoctrinated by VISTA (Volunteers in service to America 1980) the worthless social version of the Peace Corps. Jesus may able to save the world, I can’t and my feeble attempts to try to do so were foolish. Thank God I wised up (with God’s help) or I might still believe the leftist horseshit.

  5. Labels mean nothing. I’m with Trump TODAY whatever the fuck you want to call him. If he ends up breaking promises like every other politician so be it. If Trump ends up fulfilling promises, then shame on every Conservative politician before him. And that’s what the “Never Trumpers” FEAR!

  6. IIRC, the nevertrumpers are the ones who keep telling us that what worked for Trump in the primaries won’t work in the general election. Now they’re saying that what didn’t work for them in the primaries will work for them in the general?

    Jeb! tried this attack a year ago, when it might have gotten traction among Republicans. Why the nevertrumpers think this will work in a general election full of Democrats is beyond me.

  7. Trump was a Democrat during the Bush the Younger years 2001-2008.

    You’ll remember Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the electoral college when an examination of hanging chads in Gov Jeb Bush’s Florida gave the state to his brother.

    Bill Clinton was a horndog in the Oval office but he was strong on stopping illegal immigration and, thanks to a strong shove from Newt Gingrich who was disgraced by his own party and redistricted – Clinton reformed welfare cutting the max time one could be on the dole and enacting reforms that encouraged work over welfare.

    By 2008 it was clear that the moderate Democrat party was gone, replaced by left wing zealots.

    From 2009 to 2012 Trump had no party affiliation

    Trump apparently rehabilitated himself well enough that good old Ben Shapiro begged him to enter the race in 2012

    Trump has clearly shown that neither party represents the interests of Americans. He has essentially gutted the Republican party, discarded the special interests and corrupt elite class and is revitalizing the beating heart, brain, muscles and sinew with infusions of the principles that made America great.

    The Republican party was dying. Trump is giving it new life and Americans new hope.

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