Plan to Ax ‘Diversity Visa’ Used by NYC Terror Suspect Has Been Sitting in GOP-Led Congress for Months – IOTW Report

Plan to Ax ‘Diversity Visa’ Used by NYC Terror Suspect Has Been Sitting in GOP-Led Congress for Months


Sitting in the GOP-led House is legislation that would do nothing else but immediately eliminate the Diversity Visa Lottery, the visa program used by the New York City terror suspect to enter the United States in 2010.

Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) introduced the SAFE for America Act to end the Diversity Visa Lottery in March, but not even the House Judiciary Committee has taken the bill up for consideration yet.  read more

9 Comments on Plan to Ax ‘Diversity Visa’ Used by NYC Terror Suspect Has Been Sitting in GOP-Led Congress for Months

  1. Maybe we should call it the Gacey Congress, as these clowns have so many rotting legislation corpses buried under the house. The neighbors are starting to notice the stench.

  2. Maybe they should start naming laws like these after the murderers they would have protected us from.

    Then again, our Congressional ‘leaders’ are Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Ugh.

  3. It should be obvious to all and sundry, that the GOPe has no intention – NO INTENTION – of doing any-fukkin-thing to help America or the Americans living herein.

    President Trump was, indeed, elected DESPITE the Republicans.
    DESPITE the Demonrats.
    DESPITE the Media.
    DESPITE Soros, and the money and forces of National, and InterNational Socialism.
    DESPITE the electoral fraud.

    We need to “Drain the Swamp” permanently – with extreme prejudice.
    There must be some who will do as they claim, somewhere …
    Sometimes I feel like the citizens of America are a mass of Diogenes-es.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What do we expect? My senator has been busy sleeping for the last six years! Now it is reelection time the POS is woke and starting to chant the magic tried and tested reelection verbiage that has worked so well for RINO’s over a good many years!


    1. Radical Islam.

    2. Radical Islam-enablers. (Congress)

    It seems we have two forces working against us, except one force has the ability to disarm us and continue with the enabling.

    “When in the course of human events……”

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