Planet Nine in Outer Space – IOTW Report

Planet Nine in Outer Space

The Caltech scientist who lead the campaign to demote Pluto, Mike Brown, claims to have found evidence of a planet “10 to 20 times farther away than Pluto” and the size of Neptune.





9 Comments on Planet Nine in Outer Space

  1. Food for thought.

    NASA & JPL are in the early stages of planning a mission to a metallic planetoid called Psyche way out in the Kuiper belt. Indications are that it may well be a mass of nickel-iron about 250 miles in diameter.

    The Platinum Group of metals occur naturally in deposits of nickle-iron at approximately .001% by weight per ton of ore. How many billion tons of nickle-iron, to name just one commodity, do you suppose may be orbiting out in the Kuiper belt??

    Keep in mind that he very first Kuiper Belt Object was discovered in 1992. We are on the brink of an enormous industrial and commercial expansion into space, well outside of low Earth orbit. There are already several companies actively working on how to exploit assets just like Psyche, and a whole lot more.

  2. Astronomy and cosmology are my favorite subjects. Since I was four, I could never read enough about the subjects. Today, with open courseware, I’ve learned a bit more, but frankly, what MIT, Harvard, CalTech offer is child’s play compared to some books out there.
    A more reasoned piece (in layman’s terms, still) here:

    And be sure to follow the link to here:

    for a slightly more involved understanding of why the evidence is and isn’t really so important.

    Both Phil and Emily are very good at what they do, though I don’t much agree with Phil’s politics. Both blogs are worth keeping up with if you still look up with awe and wonder.

    And on that note, if you find you’d like to read more, please say so; I’d be very happy to link to a few more good resources on the subjects.

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