Planet of the Gripes – IOTW Report

Planet of the Gripes

Social justice agitator and Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson is offended by the upcoming Planet of the Apes remake, mostly because one of the characters sports a blue vest similar to one he likes to wear.

19 Comments on Planet of the Gripes

  1. That Doll looks More Like Michael Jackson than it does That guy !
    I am Surprised they have’nt Flipped out Like Rodney rippey at McDonalds, about Planet of the Apes until now !

  2. I’m a weight challenged person who’s constantly offended by how slender people treat me by refusing eye contact and always asking about when my weight-lose surgery is scheduled.

    Sorry folks, I earned my weight, I owe my consequences, just as this idiot owns consequences of stupidity.

  3. DuhRayRay and the rest of the perpetually offended are about to learn their days are numbered. People have grown tired of their excrement. There are bigger issues than worrying if some effeminate, agitating pavement ape has been portrayed as an effeminate, agitating pavement ape.

  4. That he sees himself as that BAD APE
    speaks volumes about him
    than about the film or filmmakers.

    I mean, it’s not like anyone’s suggesting
    people ought to photoshop
    a bellhop’s cap and tin cup onto DeRay
    or anything like that…..

  5. These people are pathetic. Everyone can’t be walking around on eggshells worrying about what the next snowflake will be offended by.

    They just need to stop getting the attention they are so desperately seeking.

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