Planned ISIS attacks across Europe: “Kill the Enemies of Allah” – IOTW Report

Planned ISIS attacks across Europe: “Kill the Enemies of Allah”

Geller Report: Whatever Islamic declarative name, ISIS, al Qaeda, CAIR, al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezb’Allah, etc., it’s all the same holy war. They ain’t done.


By: Olivia Tobin, The Standard, March 25, 2019:

The scale of planned ISIS attacks across Europe has been revealed in so-called ‘ISIS files’, according to reports.

The Sunday Times has obtained documents from ISIS fighters which discloses the caliphate’s plot to attack various places in Europe.

The planned attacks would come after the terrorist group lost the last of its territory in Syria, the newspaper reports.

The terrifying plans claim there would be a “department of operations in Europe” to support ISIS members who are already living in those countries.

And planned target areas would be spaces “far away from Islamic State”, where so-called “crocodile cell” assignation squads would roam.


10 Comments on Planned ISIS attacks across Europe: “Kill the Enemies of Allah”

  1. Soooo, they are just planning on attacking liberal Europeans who let them in right?

    I want to make sure whether I want to waste a candle at a vigil or not.


  2. “Kill the enemies of Allah”? How dare they!? How DARE they!? We’ll just form human shields! Let me see that list! We’ll get right over… there… hey! Everybody on this list wants me sent to re-education, for my crimethink about pedo-trannies. And Facebook censorship. Google electioneering. Anti-Christian pogroms. You know… I’ll get right on that human shield thing… Right after I get that oil change I’ve been putting off. And that colonoscopy. And reading all the new crimethink legislation these enemies of Allah have passed over me. Don’t worry. I’ll get there. Eventually.

  3. Welcome rats into your house …
    Ride the tiger …
    Pet the pretty hyena …
    Open the crocodile’s mouth …
    Kiss the copperhead …
    Caress the coral snake …

    EUROPE! Doing dumb shit for 2000 years!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This goes back to that old “You knew I was a snake ………..” story.

    It really doesn’t do much good to warn people about very predictable developments in advance, there aren’t enough of them that will take you seriously to make any difference.

    People like to manufacture their own hardships and tragedies, them blame others for them instead of admitting they did it to themselves.

  5. Eastern Europe has kept islam at bay. There are pockets of indigenous muzzies but they mostly mind their own business lest they get whacked. Eastern Europeans also like Americans and the U.S. Western Europe on the other hand mostly hate Americans. They are a bunch of brainwashed pussies and pretty much deserve what they get.

  6. @Billy Fuster March 27, 2019 at 10:31 am

    > Eastern Europeans also like Americans and the U.S. Western Europe on the other hand mostly hate Americans.

    The former Soviet (and satellites) haven’t had time to tire of our sh!t, yet.


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