Planned Parenthood cancels founder Margaret Sanger for eugenics and white supremacist ties – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood cancels founder Margaret Sanger for eugenics and white supremacist ties

Just The News-

Planned Parenthood says it is distancing itself from founder Margaret Sanger over what it considers her beliefs in eugenics and past associations with white supremacist groups.

In an opinion article for The New York Times, Planned Parenthood President and Chief Executive Officer Alexis McGill Johnson wrote that the the group must “reckon” with Sanger’s beliefs and make her “less prominent” in the organization.

McGill said the group would do this by renaming awards and renaming the Planned Parenthood center in New York City. read more

25 Comments on Planned Parenthood cancels founder Margaret Sanger for eugenics and white supremacist ties

  1. None of their motivation or associations are based in principle. It is whatever they deem most likely to advance their agenda.

    They are opportunists and exploitation is their M.O. This never varies, ever.

    You just might know this Tacoma Man

    I know him quite well. He sent letters requesting that Woodrow Wilson’s name be taken off of, of all places, public schools. He started this campaign in about 1995 and was soundly ridiculed by the progressive movement, trashed on national television without being given the chance to defend his cause.

    Then in 2020, it became a cause celeb and those who had trashed this man and ridiculed his cause were all over the effort to do exactly what he, and he alone, had campaigned for over two decades on behalf of.

    To apply the word despicable to these subhuman pieces if shit is all the English language provides.

    You might know him too.

  2. the left is only 20 million dead black babies late. with that vile woman being canceled her life’s work will… …. wait for it ….. go on with more vigor, enthusiasm and tax dollars thanks be to the left.

    one would think if BLM really believed well: Black Lives Matter those people would be burning down PP shops and the homes of the murderous abortionists.

  3. They may get rid of any association with Margaret Sanger but the results will still be the same. How is that any different from what they are doing now in the wholesale, indiscriminate murder of millions of unborn babies. They are hypocrites of the absolute worse kind. Margaret Sanger’s legacy is theirs legacy as well, the two are joined together forever in a compact made with the Devil straight out of the pits of Hell.

  4. Haven’t read any comments yet, so forgive me if I step on any toes.

    If you don’t completely cancel the completely racist organization called Planned Parenthood, you ain’t doing s**t.

  5. Cancelled for “white supremecist” ties?!? LOL!! White supremecist ties?! What?! That’s like saying Nancy Pelosi has “government ties.” These weirdos. No telling what kind of kinked-up logic they’ll come up with next.

    Here’s what I do not understand: Progressive elitists consider themselves to be “educated” and can tell you which country a coffee bean or grape was grown in based on the taste of the coffee or wine. Somehow, however, the most basic facts of history elude them completely.

    Margaret Sanger had “ties to white supremacy”. Ha! That’s a good one.

  6. That doesn’t make any sense. If they want to destroy the US because of our so-called racist founders, then Planned Parenthood must be obliterated. Typical double standard.

  7. Ha! That would have been like the NAZIs distancing themselves from Reinhard Heydrich because he was a baaaad man but continuing with the work of the Final Solution he created.

  8. PP can’t distance itself from the founder of PP. If they want to distance themselves from being racists, they can close all the abortion clinics in black neighborhoods. They can’t distance themselves from history. History is there as a reminder of what happens when nations become morally corrupt – they ALL fall. America is no different, we are almost there.

  9. @ Hambone APRIL 20, 2021 AT 1:31 AM

    I was at my daughter’s first communion and flat out told the priest that if I had any notion that Bergoglio was in any way legitimate or anything other than a Marxist infiltrator I would leave the Roman Catholic faith and never look back.

    One of the other parents told others who were feigning shock that I would say that that I hadn’t said anything that most of of the rest of those there weren’t thinking, but were afraid to say out loud.

    FWIW, I feel the same about quite a few Bishops and Cardinals

  10. Can’t remember the name of it, but there is a documentary floating around that is about Sanger & her beliefs. She was a truly despicable, evil person. She wanted to do to blacks, the sick & infirm what the Democrats want to do to you today.


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