Planned Parenthood Emoji – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Emoji


… it can “drink cold brew, waste time on the phone, sleep, read and more.
Just about everything, in fact, except bear a child (its primary function–but what would PP know about that?) -IKYN

h/t IKYN

New App Lets Users Send “Expressive Uterus” Emojis to Donate to Planned Parenthood.


24 Comments on Planned Parenthood Emoji

  1. They’re working hard to make executing innocent and defenseless babies in the womb look like an every day, no big deal, event. Stand outside a PP slaughter house praying the Rosary with folks from many denominations. Watch the horrified faces of parents who come out. Many women are crying so hard they cannot walk to their cars. Apparently the PP crowd did not get the memo about “Lead us not into temptation.”

  2. PP is all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    And they receive taxpayer funds. And yet they have enough to feed back “donations” to their favorite “causes” and politicians. That’s quite a nice money machine. It’s how Leftys work.

  3. @KMM- “That’s quite a nice money machine.”

    They launder money. They throw the baby out with the bathwater- the same water they use to subvert morality and hide their financial shufflings.

  4. Should take the emoji like it is and caption the top of it:

    We (Planned Parenthood) killed more minority babies in the past 6 hours than the KKK in the past 30 years.

    Bottom of the emoji should read:

    Suck on that beeyotches!

  5. And don’t forget ‘Clumpy,’ ooti’s friend who had to go away. They were so close the were joined at the hip. But some lab in Fresno has the hip now, and ooti misses her, sort of like she misses her other monthly visitor friend.

  6. Looks like PP needs another look at their anatomy textbook.

    I don’t see a broad ligament or round ligament supporting the ovaries.

    And where’s the cervix? Kinda hard to have a uterus without anyway to get in or out of it.

  7. PP is so debased and evil that I wonder why fire from Heaven has not consumed them…oh, I need to be a bit more patient and wait for it.

    Divine Judgment will be awesome.

  8. That is so juvenile, but I’m certain that’s the goal: to make PP attractive to younger and younger children. Where are all the people who were screeching about cartoonish camels smoking Camel cigs supposedly to attract children? Isn’t abortion bad for little children, too? Worse, really. They don’t survive long enough to live their lives at all.

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