Plans for an iOTWr Gathering for Your Area – IOTW Report

Plans for an iOTWr Gathering for Your Area

The readers who graciously offered to plan an event in their area:

Mid Atlantic: MD VA DC NC – PHenry
Pittsburgh, PA – Bob M.
Chicago/Midwest – ChiGuy
South Texas region, San Antonio area – CC

Anyone interested in attending, email me at Include the following in your email:

(1) your screen name
Your screen name will allow the planners to keep track of who everyone is.
(2) your email
Your email, obviously, so the planner can contact you.
(3) the area you live in
The area you live in so the planner can determine the best location for the event to accommodate as many people who want to attend.
(4) the screen name of the person you want me to forward your information to
I might not know your area, so the screen name of the planner is something I need to know in order to send your information to the correct person.

That is the information I will then forward to the planner and they will contact you after that.

Planners: I will give people a few days to email be before I collect their information to forward to you.

Also: if any of you would like to help with the planning, please make a note of that in your email and I will also forward that to the planner.

If you don’t find that any of these areas are near enough to you to attend, we may do this again earlier next year to give more lead time to decide if you want to do the organizing/attend.

Just so you know, I will not be posting reminders after this in order to keep these meetings on the down-low. Security/Privacy is a concern for some of us and is something that the Pacific NW group learned during their first get-together.

Have fun and enjoy meeting fellow patriots!

55 Comments on Plans for an iOTWr Gathering for Your Area

  1. All meetings should have a working title.
    Perhaps like: “Chicago, extra ammo recommended”

    Any meet-ups in Vermont could be titled a “Weekend at Bernie’s”…

    Baltimore: “Come for the iotw meeting, stay because you’re in the hospital with the black plague”

  2. Not really security. The better word might be “privacy.”

    I made it a point to not advertise what our plans were-the where and when. I booked us a private room at the restaurant. Just…being cautious. We were not under threat or anything. Everything was AOK. 👍


    Thanks, illustr8r. I amended the copy to say “Security/Privacy” – Claudia

  3. Since this mid Atlantic event may well be held in Virginia, it is only fitting that Democrat attendees be allowed to wear their choice of white robes and hoods, or blackface, as endorsed by our absentee governor.
    Conservatives don’t do that sort of thing, but if you are a Democrat and wish to attend, please select one of the options above in order to identify yourself.

  4. @charlie.

    Would that be the Obama statue in Rapidly Declining City? Seriously. If your city has an Obama statue you’re totally fooked. Run away. Quickly. You have no choice.

  5. Hey youse guys, I can’t make it wherever it is but I would like to donate some whiskey an beer. If you let me know where to send a check . But don’t fuck with this old fuckister

  6. @MoeTom. Make the check payable to CASH. I’ll send you details about address later. I mean, if you’re donating whiskey and beer to IOTW, who am i to turn down this generous offer?

    Now. I noticed there was no
    ‘Happy ending’ in your offer.

    Can this be arranged? Big boom boom? Anything like that?

  7. PHenry JULY 27, 2019 AT 9:14 PM

    Can this be arranged? Big boom boom? Anything like that?

    Since he’s using the jets to get around the country a trip from the mid west might be doable for him. Should we try and contact Buttigieg for you? I hear he’s very much into the “Boom Boom’…

    You did say “anything like that”

    Note to self, tell ChiGuy not to allow PHenry to attend the mid west gathering as he might hurt little anymouse.

  8. PHenry,

    Takes me till Saturday night / Sunday morning to get caught up on the threads here as I play “rent-a-cop” on the week ends and have the time to do it then. Don’t reply to a lot until then.

  9. You know what @moe?

    If you feel like lavishing our poor IOTW patriarchs with large sums of cash, who am i to stop you? I encourage every reader to do the same. Where else can you go to freely voice your opinions?

    Pssst. BFH and MJA If my plea leads to buckets of $$$…
    But seriously. Hit iotw tip jar.

    As for the event. We can cover for ourselves.

    Lap dances are on yourselves. Hmmm. Need to rephrase that.

  10. Here’s the thing about mid Atlantic meetup, from my perspective. Probably a little political philosophy will happen, upon which we mostly agree. Not always. No fighting or biting.

    But it’s mostly about fun. A place where we can relax amongst finely feathered friendlies.
    Destination unknown at this time.

    The geographical center of our universe will reveal itself in the future.

    I’m as curious as you are about how this manifests itself. My early tea party experience tells me that I am about to meet another group of lifelong friends.

  11. PHenry, based on my experience a couple weeks ago here in the great PNW, I think you are probably correct. Good people, comfortable conversation, and a common belief. Once we all get together a few times that might change a little, but initially I would expect a good time.

  12. Don’t forget the famous IOTW events:
    Quiz: What is the color of BFH”s brown fur hat?
    Spoofs of Culture: (take your pick!)
    Games: Sing for your supper and no such thing as a free lunch!

  13. Time .
    Show Up.
    You all will have a great time meeting other iOTW people.Just remember they have to be commenters that have been here for awhile or you will be at risk of opening yourself’s up to a whole new world.
    Have fun.

  14. Have you not been paying attention to the world lately?

    You’re going to be infilitrated by liberals to target you for doxxing and harassment. or worse.


    high odds they’re the ones organizing this as well.

    good luck.

  15. PHenry, RC has statues of Reagan, boosh the first, roosevelt, washington. I think about 30 or so. Even LBJ for cryin out loud. Tough to compete with Mt. Rushmore.

    All the good corners are taken so they stuck obomba towards the back part of downtown.

  16. I am humbled that you all want to gather to marvel at my genius. Feel free to quote my fabulous posts over lo these many years. And if you decide to honor me with a statue who am I to crush your dreams?

  17. PHenry (et alia) – Hopefully my chronic social ineptness will not present too much of an issue. If I seem withdrawn or reserved, it’s not personal.

    However, I’ve noticed that a couple drams of Single Malt does wonders as a partial remedy – with luck, such medicinal libations will be available at your choice of venue. If not, I’ll make sure to bring my own.

    It would be a nice change to not be surrounded by the enemy, if only for an evening. I guess it’s time for me to pop my head up over the berm.

  18. Mid-Atlantic here, but perhaps next time? It’s been one hell of a year, and I’m not up to dealing with much besides the bare minimum. The grocery store, gas station, work, and whatever mom needs doing are my limit right now.

  19. Sumbodies gonna send a car for me and pay for all my shit?
    a biggg! CAR! like a pink caddyllackt!
    Man, I always wnated to ride in wuna doses — wif velvet seets.

    gonna be any young grils their? I jus wanna touch em and smell em …

  20. If there’s any rendezvous interest among lurkers or commenters in the MT/ID/WY/ND area, I could consider doing at least some of the planning for a meetup. Despite its idiotic local politics, Helena has lots to offer on the recreational side and some good eateries too and is pretty much centrally located in MT. Helena also is about halfway between Yellowstone and Glacier Parks and very near the MO River. Great and beautiful canoe/kayak floats on the MO start just ~ 40 miles N of town. There’s also a wonderful commercial boat ride through the Gates Of The Mountains area on the MO, starting just a few miles N of town. The Gates area is very beautiful. Of course, other sites/towns in our area are good possibilities too. If anyone is interested, please contact Claudia. We can pursue things from there.

  21. Well, since it appears there is not too much IOTW representation from the NY area, never mind the NorthEast in general for ‘An IOTW Gathering’, Me and Mrs Ghost offer up the idea of ‘meeting’ any IOTWers that happen to be vacaying in NYC area we could have a beer or two while you are in the perimeter, perhaps if you are in Manhattan or driving through Westchester County to points north or south.

    BTW that includes YOU BFH.

    How often do you visit your old town??

  22. @ Claudia

    Thank you. It might be several weeks…I’ve been dealing with many doctors and therapy since March…doesn’t look like it will subside for a while – unless I tell them all where to stuff it. 🙂
    Plus, new PC coming. Our Windows 7 has bit the dust. Don’t know the safety of using iPad for confidential stuff. Need to speak with #2 son about it.

  23. Forcibly Deranged. Next year we will be close to you. Tsunami is down in WY. Not sure who else is close to you.
    We can’t do another one this year. (PNW Meet UP)
    Everyone who was there will be back and more of the iOTW people will join us, it takes a lot of time to get many people to agree on a date that is the hardest part.

  24. What a wonderful way of bringing like minded nice people together you have here.

    A very grass roots way of basic critical thinking and community building.

    Great to see as a ‘lurker’ or better yet observer.

  25. Jerry Manderin email Mr. Hat. He will let you know if he wants to get involved with us luntic’s.
    I think he is in California,not sure.
    Heard a great story about you and “Tuesday” at the meet up. Who would have thunk it.


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