Plans to Overhaul the DOJ – IOTW Report

Plans to Overhaul the DOJ


Some of Donald Trump’s allies are assembling proposals to curtail the Justice Department’s independence and turn the nation’s top law enforcement body into an attack dog for conservative causes, nine people involved in the effort told Reuters.

If successful, the overhaul could represent one of the most consequential actions of a second Trump presidency given the Justice Department’s role in protecting democratic institutions and upholding the rule of law. More

36 Comments on Plans to Overhaul the DOJ

  1. Why do you think they have been so afraid of Trump? He represents the only threat they have faced for a long, long time. That’s the nice thing about electing “outsiders” to this whole politics thing.

  2. That would just be a 180° turn and not a real solution.
    How about they instead curtail any party favoritism and react to the breaking of written constitutional laws and go after criminals with a blind eye to party and insure money isn’t involved into whether investigations and prosecutions take place.
    Equal justice might be a novel concept.

  3. @Different Tim — Well put. Although currently even-handed support, defense, and enforcement of the Constitution may be an exclusively conservative cause, it wasn’t always so and may not be so in the future. What I’d like to see is the DOJ going after those who blatantly broke laws and oaths to use the fist of govt against their political enemies.

  4. The weaponization of the FBI and the DOJ was done under Oblahblah. Trumps mistake was not firing the first three layers of both groups. He was also used to those working for him being loyal to him. In DC it’s every man for himself in the pursuit of money and power. Far too many people he trusted would sell him out. I still don’t think there’s a way in the world he can overcome the massive cheating operation that is being planned but it would be fun to see some of these bad actors tried for crimes in a court in, say, Kentucky or Tennessee instead of DC or New York where there would be no chance of a conviction.

  5. @richard — The weaponization of the DOJ/FBI and the IC was done under George W. Bush, and their targets were all of the American people. The partisan political targeting of that weaponization took place under Barky.

  6. What a bullsh biased article. Reuters.

    And, by the way, the DOJ is not “independent”. It is a tool of the only constitutional executive, i.e. the President, to enforce the laws — NOT “independently” but IMPARTIALLY. (More leftist language distortion to propagandize to the ignorami.)

  7. richard is correct, imo. Trump STILL doesn’t understand how deep the rabbit how goes. And by law, the President doesn’t have the hiring/firing authority we like to think he has.

    Shut it down while Trump is pres. Convene the States during which EVERYONE is packing. See what hits the ground.

  8. “richard is correct, imo. Trump STILL doesn’t understand how deep the rabbit how goes”

    I disagree and here’s why. Trump came from the cooperate world where you pay employees to give you their best performance. They’re all on your side and you have one common goal. The profitability and growth of that corporation.
    Now Mr. Trump goes to Washington assuming people like Mitch McConnel are on his side doing their best for the success of America and the American tax payer.
    Mr. Trumps eyes have now been opened. Mr. Trump now knows how to identify the enemy and has realized the majority of them have that same R behind their name as he does.
    I don’t think you can accuse Trump of being a stupid man or a slow learner. I do believe however people like Bannon were trying to warn him of this early on and he chose to believe the swamp.

  9. Brad, I agree. Anyway, NONE OF US – NONE – understood the depth of the depravity, corruption and treason that infests our government. None of us.

    But now we know. And so does Trump.

  10. ^ I pray that both of you are correct. But evil is VERY CLEVER and men like Trump with great hearts are often fooled repeatedly by great looking and sounding scoundrels.

    Also, any way you cut it, Brad, it’s WAR. At best, Trump will be like a short-lived brake on a runaway train.

  11. “Also, any way you cut it, Brad, it’s WAR. At best, Trump will be like a short-lived brake on a runaway train”

    I could be wrong, BUT, I think Trump has a huge infrastructure building that he may not even be aware of. Be sure and watch Cmn¢¢guy first link. I’ve researched the hell out of Ivan and he appears to be the real deal. He networks with some heavy weights. Like Mike Flynn. There are people that took THAT oath that took it seriously.

  12. I didn’t read the whole thing, did read this; “It would also mark a dramatic departure from the department’s mission statement, which identifies “independence and impartiality” as core values.”
    Have these three cockwombles been in a coma the last three and half years?


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