Plastic Bans: Imaginary Benefits, Real Costs – IOTW Report

Plastic Bans: Imaginary Benefits, Real Costs

Mises Institute:

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau recently proposed a federal ban on certain single-use plastics, arguing, “We have a responsibility to work with our partners to reduce plastic pollution, protect the environment, and create jobs and grow our economy.” As with similar measures in California, Hawaii, and New York, the proposed Canadian ban on plastics will harm consumers while providing very little benefit, even on Trudeau’s own terms.

The biggest problem for the plastic banners is that their measures (so far) apply to jurisdictions that have little to do with the ostensible problem. The biggest contributors to plastic in the ocean are China and Indonesia; a 2015 article in Science concluded that OECD countries contribute less than 5 percent of the plastic waste from land sources.

Another problem is that government bans come with unintended consequences. For example, research from earlier this year studied California’s ban on plastic bags and reported that “the elimination of 40 million pounds of plastic carryout bags [was] offset by a 12 million pound increase in trash bag purchases.” Because pet owners (for example) had been using their plastic bags from the grocery store to pick up after their animals, the ban simply forced them to buy plastic bags the old-fashioned way. Ironically, the California legislation led these people to stop recycling and reusing! read more

17 Comments on Plastic Bans: Imaginary Benefits, Real Costs

  1. A few years back, some sniveling little high school SJW got our city council to ban styrofoam fast food containers because of their “damage to the ecosystem “. Nearly all of the styrofoam in our local “ecosystem “ is put there by the friggin homeless bums who throw their crap wherever they happen to lay.

  2. Plastic….Canada…..something something something…

    So anyway, I thought I’d share an update. I can’t remember who I pissed off with my last “South Park” story, but I figured they could read this and be even happier with me than before.

    See, it all started with Cartman. He actually looks like Ham Porter from the Sandlot movie…but he’s a dick. So he got called Cartman. I’m Kyle for some reason….possibly because Cartman likes to call me a “fucking Jew”….anyway.

    We all have nicknames and use them whenever possible. There’s this one guy who got stuck with “Towlie” because he’s a useless stoner. Like, stupid AND a stoner. No idea how he even feeds himself…

    So there we were at Jimmy Volmers house helping him build a playroom for his wife….because he’s a fuggin cripple and needs help. So Jimmys wife…we’ll call her Wendy Testaburger….calls Towlie,….”Towlie”. No big deal, we’ve all done it. But, of course, since Wendys a girl, Towlie takes great exception to her using the nickname.

    But being Towlie it took him 45 minutes to say anything. And what did he come up with as a comeback?


    Except he has this weak Towlie voice…… and we all fell down laughing at him. I mean, whats worse? Having your friends call you Towlie or calling yourself a Juggalo?

    Well, he got all mad at us and stormed off in his wheezy 1987 Datsun.

    So basically we need another Towlie. And a Stan. Our regular Stan got downgraded to Craig.

    P.S. Kenny is doing great and got off his crutches and plans to go back to work tomorrow.

  3. Every guy thinks he’s Stan…..hell, even our Kenny thinks he’s Stan.

    But you never know who you really are until your close friends tell you. I thought I was Stan….but everyone else said KYLE. Like, Immediately.


    But our Kenny really is poor and gets into insane accidents but keeps coming back. Our Jimmy really does use crutches or a wheelchair to get around and our Cartman really is a fat piece of sh!t no one likes but who ends up hanging around us anyway.

    Plus…..we have a Token…..and our Butters actually likes being called Butters. He’s great.

  4. It’s freaking hot here in the PNW and we stopped at Starbucks for iced coffee (yeah I know). They’ve come up with a new lid for ice drinks-like sippy cups for kids but with a wider opening. I think it’s to discourage the use of straws. One bump and your drink splashes out. 👍

  5. The only South Park character I kinda liked was Chef, but that turned out badly when Ike took a hike because he was too thin-skinned to handle the disrespect of that scientology cult/scam thing.

    addendum: Interesting that my spell checker didn’t like an uncapitalized “scientology”.

  6. We stopped for lunch yesterday. The place we stopped did not use plastic straws. Nor did it use the traditional paper straws. What they did was take the rolls from the middle of paper towels and shrink them by 90%. They were strange.

  7. I reuse mine as ‘poop’bags for litter box scooping. If they’re banned I’ll buy the pretty multi-colored ones at Petsmart. There are photodegradable or oxydegradable. plastic bags and I’ve gotten a few at the grocery. They biodegrade just fine in a compost heap that’s turned.

  8. Thanks Aaron.

    Another one that did some decent satire…

    One of my favorite “cartoons” (don’t believe it’s an actual screen shot from the series) The Simpsons – has Barney standing in front of Moe trying to trade his AA chip for a drink with Moe saying, “It’s a five minute chip! It’s worth a Pabst.”

  9. I was saddened and mad as hell when manufacturers switche frokm glass containers too plastic. As a qick example, soda pop tasted better in glass bottle. Most all Mexican soda pop is still botled in glass. Try a Mexican Coke. It’s in glass and uses cane sugar. Certainly tastes better. I will admit that Coca Cola from the 50’s tasted better. My point of reference was I was 12 years old when I had my first Coke. Their slgan was, The Pause That Refreshes. Granted, I was 12 years olld and I swear it was refreshing.


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