Platform That Handles Trump Mailing List Blocks Access To Its Recipients – IOTW Report

Platform That Handles Trump Mailing List Blocks Access To Its Recipients

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11 Comments on Platform That Handles Trump Mailing List Blocks Access To Its Recipients

  1. If you have a free hand to do anything you want, including stealing elections and printing trillions of dollars up out of thin air, why not do it.

    They can do these things and never pay a price for it. The democrats have the sweetest con going. They can rig elections now without consequence. The federal reserve has a con going that people all throughout history have wanted. They can print up money like it’s confetti and the public accepts it like it is real.

    They will never give up the ability to do these things and there isn’t anyone in the country that has the balls to try to stop them.

  2. Who cares about actual terrorists or Marxists though, right?
    Every time I see or hear hypocritical liars like this I have a strong desire to slap them.

    You should hear what Democrat Commies are saying in the hearing that is trying to get Fox, Newsmax, OAN, etc deplatformed.
    Jan 6, Jan 6, Jan 6!!!!!!!

    Antifa? BLM? Such nice kids.

  3. For petessake, setting up email lists isn’t rocket science. It’s past time for conservatives to set up their own webservers and mailing programs and just do this themselves directly. Stop contracting out business to these creeps.

  4. I saw this jerkoff CEO on CNBC a week or two back.
    Total jerkoff.
    More than just a jerk, and he is that, but a jerkoff.
    Leftist smug jerkoff.
    I’m sure if he saw this he’d be proud.

  5. Listening to Salesforce’s Brett Taylor was painful with the California woke accent until it dawned on me I was listening to Brad Hamilton from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. What a clown and his Salesforce bio says he invented the “like button”. When you go there , they will chat with you-have fun! Remember-riduicule is a potent weapon and they hate that more than anything.

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