Play This For the “Bloodbath Moron” in Your Life – IOTW Report

Play This For the “Bloodbath Moron” in Your Life

12 Comments on Play This For the “Bloodbath Moron” in Your Life

  1. “Play This For the “Bloodbath Moron” in Your Life”

    There aren’t any.

    There is an old saying that you are the sum total of your 5 closet friends, my sphere has no time, patience, or space for stupid people.

    Life is too short to have any substandard deficient thinkers in places of influence. They made their bed, let them lay in it from afar.

  2. Yeah… cuz Republicans have such a rich heritage of violence… S/

    All this is, is the demonstration of the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media latching on to a buzz-word and attempting to whip it into something sinister.
    You want Sinister? Just look to the Left… EVERY time!
    It’s almost a moot point anyway since I think we’re in for another session of Burn, Loot and Murder from the Left and their illegal aliens regardless of who wins!

  3. We need Trump to say twatwaffle so the entire legacy media in unison can say “twatwaffle.” For someone they hate so much they certainly love to repeat what he says.

  4. If you LIE about #Bloodbath, you are lying about #January6th, you lied about #RussiaCollusion. You continue to LIE about everything Trump says & does.
    Democrats/Media have NO CREDIBILITY AT ALL!
    That’s why I support, campaign & encourage my fellow Americans to VOTE FOR Donald J. Trump in 2024.
    #Trump2024 or BUST!

  5. @my_pinko – One fights lies with investigation and common sense. Unfortunately anyone that is willing to listen to their lies and lack of common sense is already lost.

    The good news is that this add will have little to no impact on Trump supporters, as anyone supporting Trump already understands the tactics of the left/communists.

  6. This year’s “Fine People” smear hoax. And they’ll keep pounding it for months because it works on lofos and ladies. By the time we get to June, Biden will have said it two hundred times, although half of those will be stutter-butchered into “bloodblath” or “budbath”.


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