Playing By the Left’s Rules Biden Should Be Canceled For Racist Remark – IOTW Report

Playing By the Left’s Rules Biden Should Be Canceled For Racist Remark

I think referring to any man as a boy is a-ok. Somewhere along the line black men and white progressives think when you refer to a black man as “boy” it’s an egregious punishable offense.

I can imagine some purple-haired twatwaffle listening to a singer in a band say “ya, me and the boys will be in Toledo on Friday night,” and freaking out because the drummer is black. Meanwhile, the 5 other members are white, but that doesn’t matter.

Boy+black, in any context, and you must be canceled.

Well, Biden is canceled.

7 Comments on Playing By the Left’s Rules Biden Should Be Canceled For Racist Remark

  1. Just the latest in dozens of quotes from Joey that are being ignored (‘… you ain’t black’, speaking an Indian accent at a 7-11, latinos being afraid of getting the jab and getting deported (illegal or not), hispanics unlike blacks because they (hispanics) have a variety of attitudes, etc.)

    Why would anyone think the pResident would ever face mass condemnation for this instance?

  2. He got away with calling Obama “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    Then there was time he insinuated all convenience stores were operated by Indians since you had to have a slight Indian accent to go into a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts.

    I don’t know if it’s a product of his generation or from growing up in Delaware, but he certainly has a free pass to hand out back-handed compliments to non-whites and it’s unsavory.

    The media doesn’t bother anymore noticing when he’s being inappropriate, like we should all do the same.

  3. Cornpop Speech:

    “ I learned about Roaches.”

    I was working with a bunch of Black People I knew & got them to watch the video on their own & explained what Biden was saying.

    They were shocked & had NO IDEA what a Prick he was.


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