Please do not eat rotten meat to get high – IOTW Report

Please do not eat rotten meat to get high

The Takeout –

IFL Science reports that some folks are consuming meat that’s been decomposing for months or even years. I’m talking visible bacteria colonies, funky colors, slimy texture. Decidedly putrid meat. Practitioners call it “high meat” because eating it apparently, well, gets you high.

That can lead to acute food poisoning, causing nausea, vomiting, and even death. In conclusion: despite the purported benefits of “high meat” touted on blogson Twitter, and in Reddit threads, I am officially advising against the practice. Just smoke some reefer, man.

ht/ jd hasty

35 Comments on Please do not eat rotten meat to get high

  1. WTF?

    I used to smoke roll-your-own cigarettes with Tops, or Bugler…

    I had a big can of Tops that was some months old and made a cigarette with it. I wasn’t paying attention.

    I was seeing gnomes, talking to spiders, I was completely screwed up. And I knew I was screwed up — but it wasn’t fun at all.

    I opened the big tin the next day and found it was full of some kind of green fungus.

    No, I’m not making some kind of double entendre. That fungus messed me up. I had potent auditory and visual hallucinations for about half an hour.

  2. The only thing I can liken it to was being awake for 72 hours.

    You start to see and hear weird shit when you don’t get sleep. Except these hallucinations from the bad tobacco interacted with me. They weren’t just there… they seemed sentient.

    Needless to say it was not a pleasant experience.

  3. With people like this among us, do we really need the CoVid 19, aka: Sterilization Vaccine? I think Darwinism will rid the planet of at least 1/3 of the idiots.

  4. It’s not as though there’s an abrupt change from OK to Rotten. I know people who “dry age” their beef, which means they put it on a rack in a pan in a very cold refrigerator (but not a freezer) for some week or a month or more. It gets pretty ugly on the outside but it the nasty stuff washes right off and I have to admit that the resulting roasts are particularly delicious and tender.

    Beef from a healthy animal is internally very clean and microorganisms evidently have quite a hard time penetrating to the inside from the surface.

    I just had dinner and so I didn’t watch that video, but I gather that “high meat” is waaaaay past what you get from dry aging. No thanks.

  5. I respectfully disagree.
    Let Idiots eat as much rotten meat as possible.
    The earth must be rid of the stupid.

    Raise the IQ of an ENTIRE PLANET!


  6. Probably so, Uncle Al, but I threw the shit, can and all, into my garage firebox.

    For the crazies who want some mind-bending shit, just put a big can of Tops in a locker in a humid environment… and there were some cans of trichloroethane in that same locker. I don’t know if that had anything to do with it at all.

    The cans didn’t leak, that I know of.

    I still have my cans of 1,1,1 methyl chloroform.

    I’m not sure why I have them. I used to use it on silver contacts.

  7. @ Erik the ne’er-do-well unmasked scumbag MAY 4, 2021 AT 10:17 PM

    My cousin rolled a smoke in The Bob up by Schaefer Meadows from my can of Copenhagen after forgetting his cigarettes. His eyes turned the color of a beet root and streamed like a faucet. Could not upright himself and get up onto his back legs for about half an hour. He said he felt like he had been run through the washing machine after he came down from it.

  8. I thought it may have cured him from smoking, but he got on his horse and rode all the way to Augusta and came back with a carton of Camel straights or Lucky. I can’t remember which.

  9. I’ve eaten some pretty rancid meat – some of it covered in my own excrement!

    Well, not really eaten it … just kind of licked and sucked and gnawed …

  10. “That can lead to acute poisoning, causing nausea, vomiting, and even death.”

    I know someone who got the covid jab and the same thing happened to him, yep, he died – he turned blue. Get the jab meet the slab.

  11. I had a run-in with a too-warm baloney sandwich about 40 years ago that left an impression on me. If there is any doubt about the freshness of a piece of meat, out it goes. This is probably I am suspicious of restaurants.

  12. Hey Hippies, there’s a dead beaver I shot way back on 4/20 up in the woods, it still might be there, y’all come! (rings dinner bell)

    Update: 2021 score:
    Homeowner: 2 / Beavers: 0

  13. Bought an off-brand package of bacon a couple months back that maybe wasn’t cured properly or just old. When I cooked it it gave off a horrible smell, which I have noticed in past times as well.

    I call it the Hairy Pig smell because when I smell it I get a vision of a huge smelly and hairy pig running around.

  14. Gotta be internet “famous”, no matter what it is or the consequences of what it may do to that person’s health. Get off of social media, get a job & do something with your life besides being a moron.

  15. WDS

    You just shot the beaver and didn’t take the tail? Grill that sumbitch up. Also…there’s glands and oils you can get….kinda messy though. Stick with eatin’ the tail.

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