Please Help – I’m Not Understanding the Big BERN Of Ted Cruz By These College Dimwits – IOTW Report

Please Help – I’m Not Understanding the Big BERN Of Ted Cruz By These College Dimwits

The “Dupe” of a Lifetime-

'The dupe of a lifetime': Kenzy Peach (with the red hair) has admitted her 'engagement' to Emerson College classmate Arden Jurskis at a Ted Cruz rally on Sunday was actually a protest against his stance on gay marriage. She posted this picture of the moment on Facebook after the event 

Two college kids, a male and female, got engaged to be married while in a sea of Cruz supporters.

The guy got down on a knee as Cruz was passing by, and Cruz stopped to honor the moment.


Ted Cruz was sooooooooooooo Berned.

This was a “fake proposal” and it was to protest Cruz’s stance on gay marriage.

I’m not getting the dupeness. I’m not getting the symbolism of the protestation.

Can someone please explain.


23 Comments on Please Help – I’m Not Understanding the Big BERN Of Ted Cruz By These College Dimwits

  1. Reinforced self congratulation for pointless activity is self satire.
    You get the joke, they are the ones that don’t.
    Much of todays youth cannot distinguish between being funny and being laughed at.

  2. Peach told the Boston Globe same-sex marriage is more ethical than the marriage of two college sophomores.

    Someone fill me in on that one? What if the same-sex couple are both sophomores?

    Ethical is quite a stretch to describe someone who likes to lick his own shit off another man’s penis. Sophomore aside.

  3. I can see how it would be a protest if the couple were both male or both female. Then it would make sense, especially if it elicited some sort of negative reaction from Cruz. But what’s the point of staging something that the guy approves of anyway? I mean, that would be like faking a Kelo-style eminent domain takeover in front of Donald Trump. Big whoop, right…?


  4. Don’t you get it? The “dupes” are the two college kids who have “felt the bern” so much it’s raised the temperature in their skulls to the point that it’s boiled their brains.
    Meanwhile a decade from now these two will be lamenting the fact that no one wants to join them in the sacrament that they just made a mockery.

  5. OK, to start, you need to smoke a lot of dope.

    Next, take a large brick, and bash yourself in the head with it a dozen or so times.

    Most importantly, grow up in the 90’s and 00’s, and be taught the following in school:

    1) the “Civil Rights Movement” was the greatest intellectual movement in the history of mankind, and that everyone who participated was a fucking superhero.

    2) “Gay rights” are the new civil rights movement.

    3) You get an award just for showing up; actually doing something impressive isn’t necessary.

    Does it make sense now?

  6. 3a) prove your attendance with a selfie on Instafag, Twatter, Fakebook, Yourspace, and bonus points for a vidja on MyTube, and extra bonus points with a 6-second virus vidja on Climbing Plant.

  7. Since I live in the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts, I speak Dhimmicrat fluently. What this means is that Ted Cruz and everyone that thinks like Ted Cruz can only be happy for new marriages as traditionally defined, and just how awful is that?!

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