Please NOOOOO! This Should Never Come To Pass – IOTW Report

Please NOOOOO! This Should Never Come To Pass

ht/ hot salsa

17 Comments on Please NOOOOO! This Should Never Come To Pass

  1. I have been wondering? Is it possible for the people of the United States to get a lawsuit against the government? We have suffered harm because of this fraudulent election. Or a lawsuit against the state you live in like Michigan who was a big part of this fraud. Thanks, I hope I’m not asking a dumb question.

  2. This broken down old-has (some say never was) been is willing to stand up and risk taking a bullet to stop this election theft and abomination of corrupt politicians from taking office. Wheel me in and give me a clear line of fire and I’ll light them up (after fair warning has been given to cease and desist from destroying our Country)!

    Yes it is that bad. I would rather have the 85% of the United States Trump won hang together than be destroyed by that 15% of assholes in Calif, NY, etal.

    @nd American Revolution anyone?

  3. Our Constitutional Republic has a total of four boxes through which we address grievances with our government: We appear to have exhausted the Public Square Soap Box (Free Speech), The Ballot Box, and the Jury Box.

    Only one remains. A breathtakingly corrupt government, with no real representation of the people, one far worse than which plagued the Colonies, has delivered us to the same nexus our Founders arrived at: Liberty or Death!

    I wonder how posterity will compare this generation to that one? Will they even know our names?


  4. Hoe Biddles isn’t the president and everyone who has done even a smidgen of investigation into this past election knows it.

    You can’t call an election if the validity of the votes is strongly called into question.

    I would accept the loss and call him president Hoe, but only if there is verification and all fake votes and late votes are tossed out.


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