Plump, well-dressed daughter of Kim Jong Un is upsetting North Koreans – IOTW Report

Plump, well-dressed daughter of Kim Jong Un is upsetting North Koreans

By India Today World Desk: The images of the “plump”, well-dressed daughter of Kim Jong Un are causing “secret resentment” in North Korea, a report said. Kim Jong Un’s 10-year-old daughter was recently seen with him as North Korea test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile last week.

A North Korean resident told Radio Free Asia (RFA) that Kim Ju Ae’s “plump” face is causing resentment in the country.

“It makes me angry that my situation is so hard to bear, and Kim Ju Ae, who we all know is eating and living well, is showing up on TV in her fancy clothes so often,” the North Korean said. The person’s identity was not revealed due to security reasons.

“People say things like, ‘She must be eating so well, her face is so white and plump like the moon. Most people aren’t able to eat properly so their cheekbones stick out from their faces even more than ever before,” he was quoted as saying by RFA. more

19 Comments on Plump, well-dressed daughter of Kim Jong Un is upsetting North Koreans

  1. We are really in no position to talk about OTHER countries’ insane, perverted, corrupt Communist leaders.

    See the stolen election of 2020 and everything that came after for further details.

  2. “It makes me angry that my situation is so hard to bear, and Kim Ju Ae, who we all know is eating and living well, is showing up on TV in her fancy clothes so often,” the North Korean said. The person’s identity was not revealed due to security reasons.”

    I’m no fan of North Korea, but this is obviously State Dept./CIA fantasy hopium color revolution drivel cooked up for American consumption. Same thing with all of the endless people’s revolution bullshit we hear about Iran. That coup stuff only works in places with weak, pseudo-democracies, not hard-line dictatorships.

  3. It will happen total by total surprise, one day she and dad will be stuffing their faces and the next day they will be looking at the business end of a large squad of rifles.

  4. Both things can be true; the story about hardship and strife is disseminated for our consumption to prop up the good guy bad guy dynamic and that there is resentment amongst the starving masses. But the resentment is not new considering that for decades photos of DPRK leaders have revealed fat dictators and fat generals. But since the military has all the guns, any coup would have to come from them.

  5. and we live in a country….that leaves citizens and vets….in the street and puts….illegals immigrant invaders in all you can eat hotels on the citizen and vets taxpayer dime….

    I’m beginning to think out politicians hate us and want us dead and replaced….

  6. IDK, she’s actually kinda cute. Spoiled, entitled, bitchy, sure, but most cute chicks are. She’s a Communist too, but go on any college campus and find me one that isn’t.

    And her daddy’s rich, so there’s that.

    …OTOH, the fact that DIL can have guys blow you away with an anti aircraft gun at any time is a bit disconcerting, not to mention that a “divorce” would probably be quite painful and permanently divorce you from living, but hey, dating a bunny boilers has always been a risk and Lorena Bobbitt wasn’t rich and powerful so at least you could enjoy the ride more than THAT guy did, and who knows, if DIL warms to you he might send a sub to kidnap Japanese starlets for you for your birthday like his daddy did…

  7. Roly poly, daddy’s little fattie, you’ll grow up to be a big girl some day. Kim is as legitimate a ruler as Biden is, or any of the western ‘leaders’ we labor under. ES&D to all of them, personally.


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